Hivefest aftermath

Mind blown.


These two words basically sum up these past days.

Ever since I heard about Hivefest, I though "Wow, this must be really cool!".

And after finding out that @xrayman, a real life friend (and basically the only one I could onboard to Hive so far) was also keen on the idea when I told him about it, the decision was made.

Being able to add faces to the names I see on Hive for over four years had to be fun, but still I was unsure what I would find; it seemed most of the people I usually interact with didn't seem to be attending this year, and I was wondering if I would actually see familiar names.

Boy, I was in for a surprise.


Ever since I set foot on Volkshotel, the experience was absolutely stunning. I was greeted by an enthusiastic team, and from there... it just kept getting better.

I did found familiar names; a bunch of them, actually! But familiar names or not, it seemed that every person I would meet was already a friend. The conversation flowed easily, there was a kind of an aura of good energy all around, everyone seemed happy as hell!


You know days will have to be great, when you wake up to sceneries like this

All this good energy went on in the next days.

It was mind blowing to see the level of community spirit. Listening to presentations about different projects, different ideas, and more often than not, hearing someone from the audience during the questions time:

"How can I help?"

"Would more funding help?"

"Is there a way to reach out to you, I could probably help on that"

And so on; this, without any requests from the one presenting on stage. Just a genuine will to help out.

It makes you want to be more involved; learn more, interact more, find ways to contribute to make the Hive community even better!

I met absolutely incredible people, and I feel blessed to be able to learn and share some time and experiences with you. I won't tag anyone, since I won't risk forgetting a single name. But you can be sure I truly enjoyed meeting every single one of you. From the incredible spanish couple that I ended up spending most time with...


... to the others I shared a toast with (remember, toasting without drinking means 7 years without sex!! 😉)...


... to the party people that joined the beats in the 7th floor every night, and to the calmer crowd that amazed me with their life experiences, both on and off the cryptosphere!


Definitely, we all deserve this medal! 😁

The only regret, is knowing that there were a lot of other people attending Hivefest that I didn't had the chance to meet; I hope to correct that in a future event!

Yes, we had very interesting presentations; a lot of great things seems to be coming to our blockchain! But I think you will agree with me; what filled our hearts in these last days, were the people.


Couldn't resist to some golden hour photos during the closing dinner


We learned during a great wrapping speech, that the word chosen to summarize this Hivefest was...


The cherry on top? This is not an imposed family; this was the one we chose.

I feel that I still have a ton to wrap up, from these last days. I do have one certainty, thow: I feel blessed to be a part of this blockchain, and sharing it with people like you. So, "pardon my french", but this Hivefest...

Was fucking amazing.



Hive divider by doze.gif

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