My Time Making Fancy Wood Boards at a Chinese Factory in Nigeria"

Rontia Wood Group Company - me work there 7 years back. Big fancy plyboard makers! First day, boss say "You make good wood, we make good money." Me think "Easy peasy lemon squeezy!" Wrong wrong wrong.

Wood no cooperate. Glue everywhere. Hands sticky like honey bear. Coworkers laugh, me cry inside. But determination strong like oak tree!

Learn tricks fast. Sandpaper friend, sawdust enemy. Eyes always watching for splinters - sneaky wood daggers! Machine go VROOM VROOM, heart go boom boom. Safety first, fingers second.

One time, big order come. Customer want rainbow plyboard. Boss say "Make it happen!" We scratch heads, then lightbulb moment! Mix colors in glue - BOOM! Rainbow wood born. Customer happy, boss dance jig.

Fancy designs challenge brain. Swirls, zigzags, polka dots - wood become art canvas. Me think "Who need Picasso? We got plywood!"

Sometimes wood talk. Knots look like faces, grain like rivers. Long nights, imagination wild. Think wood spirits watch, judge work. Extra careful then!

Best part? Wood smell. Close eyes, breathe deep - forest in factory! Coworkers think me crazy, sniffing boards. But nose know quality!

Years fly like sawdust in wind. Skills grow strong like mighty redwood. Now, me wood wizard! Apprentices bow, ask secrets. Me just wink, say "Listen to wood, it tell you everything."

Rontia Wood Group teach many things. Patience like tree rings, flexibility like young sapling, strength like ancient oak. Wood life, life wood - all connected.

Now, when see fancy table or shiny floor, me smile. Know hard work, crazy times behind smooth surface. Wood journey long, but worth every splinter.

Moral of story? Never judge board by its bark. With right tools, determination, even knotty situations become beautiful creations. In wood business, like life, gain of wisdom in every experience!

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