"Subversive" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

I like to think of myself not as a SUBVERSIVE, but more of an anomaly... I don't fit. I've NEVER fit. Not as a kid (I liked going to the library better than playing on the playground at recess...) and not as an adult (I cut my hair into a mohawk when I got hired at a university and drew monsters and ghosts with crayons and stuck them to the walls of the writing center!!!)

Even in the CYBER world, I'm doing it wrong. Instead of using A.I. or Photoshop or fancy programs to make my CRYPTOART, I'm still drawing monsters and ghosts on found cardboard or napkins---not even TRYING to make it look slick or professional or "good," but putting it up for sale anyway!!! Ha! If it sells, BONUS! If not, I still had fun making my junky* art. It made me laugh! That's why I did it! (And to TRY and make my wife laugh, too...or maybe the grandkid... Anybody ELSE who gets a chuckle, that's just icing on the ART CAKE! (Decadent... Lots of cream cheese frosting....))

  • (Before you start saying things, like "Don't put yourself down!" or other positive, uplifting things, let me point out that most of my art is made from RECYCLED AND JUNK materials. I literally make JUNK ART on old boxes, wood that used to be part of a garage door, old junk-mail and magazines, and I've even built frames for paintings using reclaimed wood molding from remodeled houses... I'm not being disrespectful by calling my art "junky;" I'm being clever! Or...I think I'm being clever... My daughters would disagree...and roll their eyes....)

Here are three pieces that I tokenized TONIGHT on NFT Showroom:

(Images don't want to load! I hope you can see them!!! If not, let me know!!!)

I'm just doing my thing... And here's ANOTHER part of my "thing!" A bad poem!!!

Luxury is lost
When the toothbrush freezes up
Liberty or death!

Lovely.... That's some wonderful nonsense! (But count it out! It's perfect form 5-7-5!!! Properly formatted but utterly bonkers Low-ku creation is one of my super powers!!!)

Thanks for stopping by!!!

---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

[P.S. - I originally drew and published the image with the ghost and the not-quite-Pacman back in 2017, but I TOKENIZED it for the first time tonight!!!]

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