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"It Starts Small..." by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)


[Red gel pen on notebook page with digital embellishments and color.]

Oh my... Lucifer isn't a new show, but I've never watched it until tonight. It's funny!!! I'm only a few episodes in, but I am enjoying the show!

Which is good! I needed a laugh...

I've also done something that I haven't done in a while...I've started a new story. (This might not seem like a big deal to some people, but it's serious. I worked on my last major writing project for seven years... Once I get going, I REALLY go, and I THINK I have a new project that I can get my FANGS into!)

Tomorrow's another day! But before I send you on your way (I know why you really came here tonight!!!) let's do ONE little Low-ku for the digital road...

The Monolith calls
It says, "Hey folks, how you been?"
We hear and say, "Fine..."

Oh yeah. That's the bad stuff!!!! G'night folks!

[I'm thinking this was #HiveBloPoMo post number 29!!!! Only one more to get my 30 posts before the end on November! Keep it real!!! REAL WEIRD!!!]

---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)