👀 TAKING A 2ND LOOK [Witness Requirements]


Hi to everyone on the Hive Blockchain!

If your new! WELCOME! 👋

If you've been here awhile! HEY! 👋


Today's post is the consolidation of several years of thinking and learning about the DPOS (Delegated Proof of Stake) system we all operate with and empower ourselves by here on the Hive Blockchain!

For those of you who were here during our transition away from the centralized blockchain previous... That would have been your crash course on how important our Witness's are! A baptism by fire in finding out just why your 30 Witness Vote's are so imperative to the integrity and future of this Blockchain.

At that time, just over a year ago, the crisis prompted me to put aside all other projects and priorities in order to do as much due diligence as I possibly could in selecting the right Witness's to carry us forward during that turbulent and tense time of transition.

Picking the ones who were most dependable and qualified wasn't easy to do... There just wasn't enough time to really figure out who I was voting for with my Hive Power.

The Hive Blockchain has gotten to where it has based on the merit and minds that we voted into those positions during that time and those votes were predominately based on the specific challenges Hive was facing at the time.

I believe that it's time to take a careful look at where we collectively are and where we need to take the Hive Blockchain (in my opinion), with specific attention to the things that (I believe) need to change.

Now... before moving on, I would like to take this opportunity to specially thank each and every one of the Hive Witness's (the ones I voted for and the ones I didn't vote for) who protected the integrity of the Hive Blockchain. Hive is a place where I have chosen to invest my finite time to build human connections as well as construct my business ideas AND it is also the place where I am actively investing significant amounts of my own financial capital. There's just so many reasons to thank each and every one of you!



Having acknowledged those who have gotten us this far and kept us all together under the Hive banner... I would also like to carefully approach the topic of Witness evaluation and the future of our blockchain... Because yes! That's what this is... It's an opportunity for each and every one of us to step into our roles... AS OWNERS!

Because that is what we all are. We all OWN, in small or big ways, this Blockchain.

That's why this is a decentralized opportunity and it doesn't work without understanding (seriously!) how and why DPOS (Delegated Proof of Stake) works.

As soon as we #PowerUP we become contributors in the wider Hive community. We become stake holders and OWNERS so that means Hive's future does matter.

With every Hive Token that get's PoweredUP... That is what we are in essence saying!

"HIVE MATTERS... And so I am building my future right HERE!"

When we PowerUP we are drawing a line in the sand and choosing to stand TOGETHER!

So it's time to start talking about what matters...

And I guess I'll start!

For me, there are 2 primary things to improving the Hive Experience and reinforcing Hive's integrity and continuance. These have been increasingly on my mind these days...

1️⃣ I would like Hive to become a muuuuuuch friendly destination. A place that I can continue to invite my friends, family, and famous. A healthy environment where unfriendly activity is the exception rather than the considered norm.

2️⃣ I would like for us to continue to innovate and find creative ways to further community involvement. When we strengthen the decentralized systems we have worked so hard to build (and sacrificed so much to sustain) we give HIVE OWNERS continued reasons for PoweringUP their Hive and takingUP long term residence. That means taking some time to re-think and further evolve our community culture and brand presence on and off the blockchain.


If we continue to use the mindsets that got us here we will continue to get the same results we have been getting.

I, for one, would like to capitalize fully on the next Bitcoin Bull Run. (I don't believe we managed to get enough traction to make this happen... currently.)

Plainly, I would like for us to come together (as a community 1st initiative) and REALLY SHOW THE WORLD WHAT WE HAVE TO OFFER AND WHY IT'S NEEDED!

During the next #Bitcoin Bull Run we need to be in the top 10 for crypto projects... And we are going to have to THINK BIG if that is going to happen!

The Hive Blockchain is currently in 193rd spot according to www.coinmarketcap.com 👇

If Dodge can be in 6th spot... There's NO REASON what-so-ever why Hive, with it's solid fundamentals, can't easily make it into a top 10 position. It's really up to all of us to decide... AND MAKE IT HAPPEN!

...and with everything we have done up until now... there's no reason that cant happen! DPOS and this community DOES have that potential!

If I didn't think so I wouldn't continue to invest my time and capital into this Blockchain!


So I figured that it might be helpful, as a step 1, to set an example.

It's time to evaluate my current list of Witness's based on some criteria that came to my mind...

The list that follows is by no means complete but I think it is a good start.

If any of you can think of some more relevant and important aspects to evaluate Witness's by or if you have any input or ideas you would like to share... please leave them in the comments bellow for all of us to consider and discuss openly.

I believe that this evaluation of my current Witness Vote is super important to the integrity and furtherance of the Hive Blockchain and because the crypto space is ever shifting we should also be flexible in our approach to the Witness Votes we have cast. That's the power of DPOS! We are dynamic with our ability to establish consensus while other projects are slow moving, static, and stale.

We get to reinvent the rules of the game whenever we want... and if we play to that strength and get used to adjusting on the fly... we are settingUP the game to win...



So, over the next couple months, I will be taking some time to REALLY get to know our current Witness's and re-evaluate them based on the list (bellow) and what I am able to learn going forward.

If you are a Hive Witness I would really love to get to know you and what you are doing for our Blockchain! Please comment bellow and I'll boost you to the top of my evaluations list! It doesn't matter what your Witness Rank is! What matters more (to me anyways!) is the following 10 determinants:


✅ We got to know WHO they are. No shadowy figures obfuscated into the background. We have to know WHO we are voting for in order to know WHY we are voting for them.

✅ At the very least we need to know WHAT they do for the blockchain. If we know WHAT they do then it is possible to render a decision on WHO they are and WHAT they are about; if it’s good for the blockchain, YES or NO.

✅ Accountable practices. No side stepping; but straight shooting, caring for the community of users and its culture, candid about WHAT they think, WHAT they do, WHY they do it. This determines WHO they are SO they absolutely NEED to be fully transparent and open.

✅ Active. (Need I say more!?) Mission orientated. Driven. They want to win and they are willing to do whatever it takes (so long as it’s honest) to set up the game for others to win.

✅ Do they care about people first or themselves first? What’s more important to them? Social Capital or Financial Capital?

✅ They aren’t a part of a Vote Circle Click or Reward Rebalance Scheme.
What are they telling me? What aren’t they telling me? What do they VALUE? (What do their actions say about this?)

✅ Is what they are doing solving a hair on fire problem? What are the size of problems they are solving? Do they do this with input from the community? Are they team players?

✅ Is how they show up daily healthy for the community culture? Are they classy? Do they approach everything personably and professionally? (If not how can I tell my family, friends, and famous about the Hive Opportunity... right?)

✅ Who do they affiliate and identify with? Do those people meet the above criteria? (Who someone keeps company with tells a lot about that person.)

✅ Are they PoweringUP their Hive consistently? We need people who think long term about the Hive Blockchain and have actual skin in the game. This is a legit opportunity... not someone's pump and dump project. How they think about innovating the future of freedom and digital social matters. BIG THINKING ONLY! I want to be inspired! ⭐️

So there you have it. I am going to spend some time evaluating each Witness I currently vote for based on these make or break requirements and I'm also going to give lower rank witness's some thought as well.

These people are people running code that keeps all of our ideas and dreams alive and well... therefore, a careful and considerate evaluation is obvious common sense.

We, also, want to avoid the corruption of absolute power that can happen from a static, stagnant upper level Witness Vote... Besides that... Fresh ideas are always a good thing especially during the innovation stage of any project worth it's salt.

AND No matter how good those Witness's my be... they are accountable to us all... We are ALL DPOS Owners.

That’s the point of having the ability to vote, yes?

The accountability of the vote is what balances out all that power.

Freedom isn’t free.

We all have a responsibility to invest ourselves into the community and learn about the blockchain we call home if we want to keep this environment healthy and growing.

The Witness Vote is what keeps opportunity and freedom for all. It's the first and foremost frontlines that keeps our futures intact.

So we all need to do our part in this fundamental way...

✅ IF YOUR NEW TO THE BLOCKCHAIN... take some time to learn about the Witness's that maintain our freedoms and secure our digital future's.

✅ IF YOU’VE BEEN HERE AWHILE... take some time to think carefully about WHO your Witness Vote is for and WHY you vote for them. Maybe it's time to shuffle the deck...?!

Either way... Now could be a good time to do your due diligence. It’s always a good time to review your Witness Votes... And the best part about that is you don't have to wait. You can do it RIGHT NOW!


I believe that winning can’t happen without taking the time to do this carefully... and if we are to win we can't do it alone. It must be done TOGETHER!


This is why we came to this blockchain...

Because we all saw the opportunity to become the OWNERS of our own ideas, dreams, and destines.

WE are the change WE want to see.

So let’s change and grow every day... TOGETHER.

...because a stagnant environment is an unhealthy one.

Thank you all for reading... and thank you as well for your consideration.

#HighFive Coordinator
Certified Personal Trainer
Fitness Entrepreneur



P.S. Another thing before I leave off... please please please don’t give away your power... setting up a proxy Witness Vote, although easy, is just that. A relinquishing of you freedom, rights, and power on this blockchain.

Becoming someone of integrity in a decentralized environment means that you step into the gaps when you see them, you take ownership because you are an owner, and you vote your Witness Vote with care and consideration... PERSONALLY. Evolving personal freedom means taking the time to think for yourself... and then vote.

Think about it..

P.S.S. One more thing... I mentioned the need for a Community 1st approach to marketing the Hive Blockchain? Do you believe in that? If you do that makes the two of us! Well... more than that actually!

There's a growing movement happening over on Twitter where people are are taking the initiative! (Hive is GREAT right! We can't keep this to ourselves!)

If you would like to join us in promoting Hive on Twitter then your probably also interested in supporting @NathanMars's Proposal 170.

The idea is to gather support for Community 1st activities with a focus on getting Hive out on Twitter!

All the developers and witness's are working hard on the back end and Hive is looking GREAT! It's time for all of us bright brains to put some brain juice into promoting Hive on all the Social 2.0 front ends.

We love Hive and have made it our Home and I'm sure there's lots and lots of people out there looking for the Hive Opportunity!

Let's tell em on Twitter!

Let's make that systematic so we can all #Win!

Vote for your witness's...

...and while your at it Vote for proposal 170! 🙌

👉 https://peakd.com/me/proposals/170 👈


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