Update + Curation Tweaks Moving Forward


I believe I have found someone to help me with my Hive related activities. Thank you all for your interest, there was a lot!

I want to talk a little bit about my strategy for Hive moving forward, touching on my curation.

I run manual curation with the help of a small, dedicated team. I have people curate various languages I do not speak, and to curate random goodness across Hive. I do not always have the time to remain consistent with 2.5mil HP, but I believe HP can make a great difference for onboarding and I try to find time to curate myself everyday.

A few things to look out for with my tweaks for curation:

Make sure your engagement is up! I am looking for posts that get a lot of engagement as I mold my curation strategy moving forward. Quality is always subjective, but engagement is not.

I am also looking at your Twitter game, this will play an important role for me moving forward. Getting lots of tweets under the #Hive hashtag triggered lots of goodness for us, even trading bots have been known to boost the liquidity of highly talked about cryptos on Twitter! People will speculate on access that seems lively, and Twitter is where most of the crypto traders go to find gems.

I have got eyes everywhere looking for people putting in work. If you are on the grind, keep it up, because it will not go unnoticed. Some of the things I am working on for my Dan account is improved curation reach to people of all languages across the world. We have big gaps in the market in various countries around the globe and I feel Hive can really make a difference to so many people. Awareness, awareness, awareness, it is king.

With steps like community leaders, we are trying to get somewhat structured and make sure our Hive is going into the right hands. Do not forget to keep voting for witnesses, powering up Hive from author rewards as much as possible, and spreading the good word. I will be leaning more bias with my votes to people who are at least powering up a portion of their rewards. I understand times are hard and sometimes you need to convert that Hive to dirty fiat, but I would love to see a strong middle class arise for Hive.

Having a strong middle class for Hive is important because when the price of hive raises our dolphins and orcas can really put out some serious curation. This is all about decentralized curation and having as many powerful curators as possible is the value loop I love to see. Curation is in our hands. I look at my HP inflation allocation as a marketing budget, to onboard new users and market Hive. There is no central authority here to do all the research and tell us what to do. We should organize a bit and think long term. Having HP is immensely powerful, and it is easy to neglect its power.

I am going to be taking curation very seriously moving forward, looking to make every vote count. If Hive reached $10-20 one day, we would need a well-organized machine of curation to keep up with the amount we are able to give. I rather give 500 people 2$ a day, then give people 30-50$ votes all the time. Not saying the big vote does not have its place, it certainly does, and having big payouts is key for the lottery effect. Just knowing a big vote is possible to will boost how fun the atmosphere, and making sure to deliver the big votes, fairly, helps a lot. But the big vote should be a used more sparingly, and my focus will be to get smaller amounts of Hive into as many deserving Hiver's hands as possible.

I am extremely excited for the future of crypto and I believe Hive is that overlooked underdog story that this world needs. Let us keep up the good fight Hivers, the fun is about to begin!

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