Investors 🤝 Curators


How do we make both people who love to curate and people who don't want to curate happy? What if when your Voting Power (VP) is sitting at 100%, you started to automatically earn a bonus in interest? (slightly smaller than average curation would get.)

This way, you can vote when you want, if you don't, you earn a bit less but at the cost of not having to do anything. Interest paid this way could be in the form of HP to lock them in. This is also cool because now it's compounding interest, IE powering up HP creates more HP, etc. Just a thought. So instead of "opting out" in some complicated way, you simply don't vote. And if you want to vote, you can but you won't earn that interest again until you are full VP.

There would be no need for 2 accounts. Simply, once your voting power reaches 100% you earn extra interest. When it is below 100% you earn the normal interest that pays out currently, which is much lower, I believe around 1% or so, (correct me if I'm wrong.)

Example: Curation on average pays 10-15% let's say. When your voting power reaches 100%, you earn 8% interest. That is 20%+ lower than what the average curator makes, however you still earn a decent amount, and isn't the end of the world if you don't curator for a month or two, or ever. 8% vs 10% is not a death knell to anyone's stake in the form of being diluted.

What this does is allow people to vote when they want to vote. It solves the whole, forcing investors to play the curation game complaints.

What are your thoughts?

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