All You Can Do is All You Can Do

All you can do. You can do everything that is the absolute ultimate. But all you can do is enough. - Art Williams; the follow writing is inspired by several of Art's motivational speeches.

I didn't get into crypto to make money, I've never done anything to make money, not even poker, I've always competed, my focus was on getting better rather than trying to maximize short term gains. Time is our most precious resource, short term gains add up, sure, however, daily consistent growth in skills leads to better long term gains. If time is the most valuable, I measure my progress in it. The future is coming no matter what, and ten years into the future you would have wished you took the steps for long term success.

All you can do is all you can do.

I studied crypto, Hive in particular. I know internet censorship first hand since back in my Quora days. I still have emails of me bitching at them. To me, being a green noob in the era of content creation, the thought they would just take down my post for no good reason was shocking at first. I've sadly grown to expect it now out of web 2.

I studied the technology behind Hive, how it gives you an immutable account, protects you from censorship. I saw how you could create a community, build a lasting foundation without having to walk on eggshells. I see the ability to tokenize communities to rid off the gatekeepers of tips, imagine some ass telling you, NO! You can't give your favorite creators 3 bucks, it's forbidden! Ya... no. I'll pass on asking for permission on whom I'm allowed to tip, ty you very much.

I never thought about the ordinary Joe, a guy like me can invest in the future of the whole internet. Crypto as a whole will change our day to day and how we interact with value. I was shown how centralized databases can be hacked, manipulated beyond will, and how blockchains & technology that enables decentralized applications can pave a new way of creating and storing data and ultimately, wealth.

I've written and created countless pieces of content, explaining the dangers of centralized communication networks, I broke down point for point how we can leverage blockchain technology to change the world. I believe in this as much as you possibly can. I don't rely on Hive for my income, this isn't about money for me, I promised myself that 3speak wasn't going to be like other sites. We were going to do everything right, people are feed up with being banned, being silenced, told what they can and can't say. I'm going to take an educational approach to onboarding new users, let people know why centralized social media is not the solution.

I sit these people down, take them point by point on why Hive works, why centralized apps that are funded by venture capitalist is an archaic approach. How it's just better business to build on opensource, transparent technology.

Lots of these people have lost multiple communities. I ask them how many they would have if, a: they were all combined into one pool b: if you still actually had them
Quick maths says they would be much better off than they currently on. Getting banned to join "Parler" sounds much less attractive once you break down the benefits of Hive and how if you're going to start over, it's best to do it right.

I'm not telling anyone to do anything that I don't do. I'm telling them about the technology I use every day and how I may have 99 problems but censorship ain't one.

I'm a crusader in this, aiming to do everything right, and still, you face rejection a lot. I hear a lot of NO! no I don't wanna join an unknown site. No, I rather join Parler. No, it's too hard I don't understand. No, no, no.

And doing this for years as I have been, can be discouraging at times, of course. But fast forward a few years later, I see people here who were banned on centralized social media. Twitter banned me, thank god I have Hive. I see people forming communities worldwide, making a difference in each other's lives. I see hive holders all over the world, speaking their truth in peace.

This stuff really works! If it had not been for Hive none of these things would have been possible!

I realized, I was thinking about this all wrong. Over the years I had a lot of people say no, but I also had a lot of people say yes. It's easy to feel down always thinking about the no's, but don't forget about all of the people that said yes. The people who got it, really get it, they get very excited once it "clicks."

There are people that I have onboarded that have onboarded people that have onboarded people. I have learned, learn from the past, delete the rest, focus on what you have now, and buidl. We have a lot going for us and have come a long way.

All you can do is all you can do.

You can't make the account for people out there.
You can't post their content for them.

I used to try onboard creators. I would give them the best pitch you could imagine and after a few hours, I would ask them what they thought. They would still say, no.

And I would say if you change your mind let me know, cheers.

I use to really try to understand what I was doing wrong, what I could have said differently. But then I realized I was thinking from the wrong perspective.

I have an immutable account.
I have an immutable way to transfer value.
I am apart of an amazing growing community.

All you can do is all you can do.

You go and talk to these content creators, and they know how to get a large audience but they don't know anything about how this technology they use every day actually works. It's like asking a football player how helmets are built. You, on the other hand, have done the research and you know why sites built on Hive are technically better than Twitter or Parler. You own Hive, you know Hive is better than centralized databases for building censorship resitant applications, and the person who doesn't know anything says no, does that all of the sudden make Parler better than PeakD? No.

I have a responsibility to be right. I tell people about what I use to build my digital communities if I don't want to be censored. I'm sharing what everyone should use.

Flip the script.

Not everyone is going to "get it" so focus on those that do.

All you can do is all you can do.

If you're doing what is right.
If you're sharing the right opportunity.

Not everyone is going to join. Not everyone is going to see the potential. But if you keep it up, enough will to change the world.

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