MoonBoi Blog: A broken hyperdrive, our first video released and why we believe in HIVE

What a wild ride the past days have been! Today we're sipping on some Moon Juice in celebration of what feels like the end of a hell of a week. The week started with the release of our first original video clip, featuring part of a song we wrote for the DeFi SCI.FINANCE project called "The DeFi Future's Now". We have a lot of new tunes in the pipeline, anthems about DeFi projects we love (HIVE!?), tales from our interstellar adventures, and just general bangers that will that will make the Zorgs on KOI 5715.01 party their exoskeletons off!

Like we intend to do with all of our videos, this one was released first on 3Speak. Watch the video AND LEARN about the project here

Shortly there after we spent a bit of time working on the lambo rocket, as the Hyperdrive had been malfunctioning ever since taking a few on the chin when flying through Kuiper belt on our last binge. It feels like no matter how many times we navigate that minefield we still emerge a bit battered and bruised. This time it grounded us for longer than normal and we got stuck on Earth for a few extra days because of it. And boy oh boy was that a whirlwind of a few days. It started with WallStreetBets taking a swing at some Hedge Funders and squeezing their shorts on Gamestop. Quite amusing and deserving of a ride in the lambo, but then DOGE happened.

Doge is nothing new, nor is it a stranger to pumps from a wild band of outlaws, but this time it feels different. Is Doge going to become a part of our Rocket Fuel formula? Definitely not, but the power that was demonstrated this week by "the little guy" was delightful. We've said for a long time, the problem with most societies on Earth is that the ruling classes out organize the masses. As we see the rise of Decentralization across finance, technology, data and beyond, there is an important caveat, it will go nowhere without Organization. Do we need one leader or a dark cabal ruling over us? Not here, nor in Space, but we do need to remember that individually we are nothing. Only when we act as a collective can we go to the moon.

Hiver, you've learned this long ago: Community is the strength of Decentralization. DeFi projects will pop up like lawyers at an accident, but only those that have strong community support will survive.

So for now, we raise our Friday glass of Moon Juice to ya'll here. May you all continue to thrive here in on Hive. Here's to our journey to the moon together, and when we finally arrive, we'll have a cold one ready for you in the Moon Mansion.


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