Hi, My Name Is Chamber. Echo Chamber


A billionaire bought a social network last year. It so happens that the social network he bought it was kinda THE SOCIAL NETWORK, or so it is perceived these days.

This event is the beginning of a major fracture that will tear down the world as you know it in 2023 (to be completely honest, in 2023 you'll experience just the sneak preview, the real shitshow will start in 2024).

But fear not. If you can read this now - or even months from now, following the precious advice of some friend - you'll be fine. The shitshow will apply only to those yelling now on THE SOCIAL NETWORK, clinging to bits and pieces of foggy identities, colluding together like minnows in swarms, trying to escape a big predator. We all know swarms of minnows never escape giant predators, they are all swallowed at once, in one big slurp.

That's what will happen. The overlords of our data-driven, algorithmic-enhanced super-surveillance world will fall like they never existed.

But before that, they will fight for their lives, and it will be an ugly fight.

For our current reality is still dominated by their constructs, and they still believe they rule it. They had many victories in the past - like the most recent one, in which, in a mass-hypnosis, social-media-induced event, they stopped the entire planet in its tracks, with an Orwellian lockdown.

Their carefully curated algorithms are still nudging opinions, driving sheep on the path they choose. For them, it still looks like nothing can end their reign.

And yet, it started to happen.

Ironically, they're being eliminated by their own intolerance.

You see, the data stream they're controlling is carefully engineered to show only things they agree with. They're manufacturing pieces of reality only fitting their blueprint, they're assembling news only for their agenda. If you're against the mainstream trend (being it Covid, or climate change, or gender politics) you're almost automatically cancelled.

But as they clog the pipes with their own regurgitated lies, they're invalidating the very principle of the medium, which is communication. They're turning the agora into a collection of echo chambers. No other voice can be heard, and, as they think this is their victory, as they celebrate the complete silencing of dissidents, they are also left outside the real communication.

Because dissident voices are still there. They're just not visible anymore, because algorithms owned by data overlords are automatically excluding them. And while these voices may not be present anymore in the flat, static and inertial mainstream media, they are growing outside the deep state ecosystem, in real conversations.

And, as uncomfortable as conversations can be at times, they're alive. There's real life in disagreement, in assumed conflict, in challenging the status quo.

Echo chambers are not alive. They're just super luxurious crypts, in which numb minnows are fed the illusion of life, comfort and predictability, while being de facto dead.

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