Some Thoughts On Why People Don't Join Hive

I'm doing the HiveChat on Twitter this coming Tuesday, the 29th. I've been working on some questions for the community and also thinking more about Hive the community, network and platform. This has also lead to some interesting chats with people from the crypto community who aren't part of the Hive community. This post is for everyone, but really for the people who aren't part of the community yet, or just don't get what Hive is.

These are the top three reasons I get from people about not joining in.

I'm Not An Influencer I Won't Make Anything

This is being said by a person that spends most of their day on Twitter, Facebook and other social media platforms not earning a dime anyway. The truth of the matter is though, they're probably right. Chances are you won't make anything substantial at first...

Oddly enough, I think this is one of the greatest benefits of Hive but also one of it's biggest obstacles! Who would of ever thought monetization would be an obstacle?

Many people are under the illusion that you sign up for Hive, post a couple memes, and the magical internet money just flows into your wallet. I'll stop you right there! NOT GOING TO HAPPEN! Maybe your content will be a big hit and you'll become an overnight sensation, but chances are you're going to have to work for it. Hive is about community building! Hive is about interaction. Hive is about building friendships.

You get out of it, what you put into it.

I've also seen large influencers come over to Hive, post content, not interact with anyone, and quickly realize they're going nowhere fast on this platform. If you're not interacting with the community and not giving back chances are you're not going to find much community support. Honestly, it's just how the community is set up. Frankly, I think it's a feature not a bug!

More times than not though, people come over expecting pie in the sky. They make a post or two, earn a couple cents, maybe a dollar or two and quit. Hive is so much more than that. You have to love being here, and you can't force it. Treat it just like any other social platform. Sometimes you may earn on a post, other times not so much. How much money has Facebook or Twitter ever given you?

My Friends Aren't There

I get this one! This really is a tough one to overcome too. Yes, all our friends are on Facebook and other mainstream corporate social media sites. I'm of the personal opinion that these sites are evil! I hate them with every fiber of my being. I don't like the censorship, I don't like the algorithms, I don't like the way they use user data to enrich themselves YET SOMEHOW EVERYBODY LOVES THESE SITES. I digress and all these complaints I've just voiced could be posts unto themselves and very well may be someday.

For now, here's all I can say. A) Make new friends on Hive. B) Nobody is saying you can't visit your OTHER friends on other sites. C) Lead by example. When your friends see you grow on Hive and start earning chances are they'll be standing in line to join you.

I Don't Like The Content

I love this one! Hive is a vast and diverse community of people. You can find everything from crypto folks, artists, athletes, tarot readers and so much more and guess what, your content helps make up part of the vast community of people. Not seeing the type of content you like, then create it! Chances are you'll find people with similar interests too. You will find each other just like on all the mainstream platforms. Birds of a feather flock together has never been truer when it comes to social media! If you can't find the content you like here, then create it!

Final Thoughts

Hive is a new frontier in social networking. In the greater scheme of things I look at Hive like a giant social blogging experiment. This has never been done in this way! YOU and I make this happen.

The bottom line is HIVE is only as good as you and I make it! This really is OUR platform. If you don't see the content you like, create it. Your friends aren't here, give them a reason to join! Not earning Hive from your posts, get more active in the community!

We create this community! We make it great with our content! Our friendships and diverse array of cultures and personalities grow this community. We make this happen. YOU and I!

And that is why, you should come join us and help co-create one of the greatest experiments in social networking! Each one of us brings something unique! Together we make this happen, each individual adding their qualities to the diverse collective community that is all of us!

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