A Hivian's Journey: Take Two

Sigh. Change is hard, yo.

The gravity of this timeless saying is more clear to me now than it ever has been. After about four months of virtual inactivity-- while I moved my whole life around and got readjusted-- I am forcing myself to re-engage here in the Hive ecosystem!

A Hivian Back on Hive.jpg
Photo c/o Zac Durant on Unsplash.

But first, please accept my apologies... I left a few threads hanging when I dropped off the map, and I didn't mean to confuse or disappoint anyone. I will get there, but I don't want to rush any follow-throughs before I really get plugged back in.

Because a lot has happened in the interim, both in my own life and here on Hive.

Holy Hivian Cow!

The biggest news is probably the recent price pump, so I'll quickly get that out of the way. I didn't catch any Hive news in the last week, so I'm curious if there is a specific reason for the bull run. Anyone know? Let me know in the comments.

As for my life, almost everything has changed!

No kidding... I moved to a new place, I replaced my vehicle and we sold our family restaurant and I've been taking some time off. A complete shift.

I thought I was going to be homeless too-- I only found this apartment two days before my time was up, and I was considering motels and my own car as possible temporary homes... it wasn't looking good. And it just felt like the culmination of a personal shit-storm which seemed inexhaustible.

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Photo by Javier Allegue Barros on Unsplash.

But then my luck began to change... little by little. I found a home. I can't tell you how relieved I was to be able to put this roof over my daughter's head too... I was feeling like such a failure. And this notion creeped back in as my car broke down shortly after moving in.

Hilarious, right?
Yeah... I didn't think so either.

Let's shorten this long, painful story though: I have a new car (a tiny black one that we call "The Blackberry") and a new home and a new lease on life!

So On With the Show!

I'm a fool for not staying active on #Hive over the last few months... I know this, but I just want to move forward and make sure it doesn't happen again. The world is mad enough as it is these days... I need to find my groove again. And I will.

So What's Happening on Hive?

Like I said, I've been following the price chart and I see the recent movement. Holding strong above $2 for now, it went as high as $3.26 earlier this week. So again... does anyone know why?

Hive Blockchain- Price Pump November.png

I have also managed to stay active on #RisingStar, as well as occasionally checking in on my #DCity account... these two things have kept my Engine income consistent, and has kept me motivated to monitor my holdings on a regular basis.

(As a side note: I've noticed the value of certain Hive Engine tokens dropping off a cliff-- #VIBES, #STEM and #CINE specifically. Although I do reinvest in small bites, I'm wondering if anyone knows the root of this issue. Just fundamental tokenomics, perhaps?)

So I haven't been a total ghost... but pretty damn close. The only two other notable Hive things that have come to my attention are as follows:

1. Power Up Month!
2. HBD Savings Worth 10%.

And these are cool developments which I plan on taking advantage of... but what else can you tell me? What are the most important things happening on the Hive blockchain right now-- or here in the ecosystem-- that I should know about. What's keeping you excited?

Thanks so much for reading, and for your patience! It feels so good to finally re-engage. But please do let me know what I should be focusing on right now. I hope everyone is doing well. :)
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