RE: Reimbursement Proposal for TeraBlock Hive CrossDEX - Milestone 1


Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I understand your concerns and appreciate the opportunity to clarify our vision and efforts.

Our goal with Hive CrossDEX is to bridge the gap between Hive and the broader DeFi ecosystem, enhancing Hive's utility and accessibility. While our approach involves some centralized elements for efficiency and user experience, the core of our solution aims to maintain decentralization principles.

We're not just creating another exchange; we're building infrastructure to enable direct, decentralized transactions from EVM chains to Hive, bypassing the need for centralized exchanges. This effort is crucial for Hive's growth and integration into the wider DeFi world.

Our work with Splinterlands, transferring $58 million USD to Hive, showcases our commitment and capability. Despite the challenges, we're dedicated to developing solutions like Swidge to facilitate direct Hive purchases, aiming to open up Hive to a global audience.

We understand the importance of community support and are here to contribute to Hive's DeFi ecosystem actively. Your support for our proposal would not only validate our efforts but also help us continue to innovate and integrate Hive more deeply into the DeFi space.

Let's work together to expand Hive's reach and potential. Your vote for our proposal would be a step towards a more interconnected and decentralized future for Hive.

Thank you for considering our perspective. We're here for any further discussion or clarification you might need.

Best regards,

Team TeraBlock

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