Follow Friday: Ups and Downs

The News

I cannot help watching some crypto prices, but my main concern is $HIVE (vote it up!). I generated a different chart this week to show that its market cap was briefly exceeded by the legacy crapcoin (vote it down!). They have more coins in circulation and the prices got quite close. They do seem to track each other despite the blue coin having no development and few daps. Obviously a few 'exiles' went there, but most rewards go to a few accounts posting in Chinese and Korean for what look like junk posts.

Market caps

We have another HPUD coming up next week. I have already bought some $HIVE as the price seems cheap and it is easy via the Transak service linked from the Peakd wallet.


You can hope all you want for a price improvement, but it happens due to people buying. These coins only do a few $million in volume each day, so a few hundred transactions can make a difference. My current strategy is to buy a little each month.

Friday Follows

  • @thedeltron joined a while ago and has been active on some Hive projects, including @filmmaking4hive. He just did an introduction post that includes his move to Mexico to join the team working there.
  • My friend @anna-newkey is just back from the Hive meetup in Hamburg. That is her home city, so it was convenient for her to visit family. I see from the pictures that a fair few people I know were there. We need more such events.
  • @benoitblanc is a refugee from 'the other place'. They are looking for communities and asked about this on the UK Discord. I would tell people to engage more on Hive instead as not everyone uses Discord and it helps you connect with them as well as possibly earning rewards.
  • @riseofthepixels is a new Hive game based around game development company with a retro aesthetic.


I have been talking to @alessandrawhite about a UK meetup. Details are being finalised and it may be quite soon. Events do not have to involve months of planning and lots of expense. All you need is a time and a place for people to get together.

Update: She put this out just after I posted. We are on for a week tomorrow in my home town of Bedford. See you there!

The Dog House

I did not do a #FollowFriday post last week as I was dealing with some issues. Someone on Hive was blaming me for them getting downvoted and making threats. They were under the impression that I am involved with Hivewatchers, but I most definitely am not. I know the sort of grief that team gets and this is why they try to stay anonymous whereas I am quite open about who I am. I do not always agree with how HW operate, but I do think that Hive needs protecting from malicious behaviour.

The person in question was also making threats against other Hivers that included doxing. That is not acceptable. If you put things like that on the blockchain then they are there for good and can come back to haunt you. You are not going to succeed on Hive if you alienate the community. Beyond HW there are people who will happily downvote everything you do if they see you as toxic.

You cannot just be thrown off Hive, but it can be difficult to carry on here if you make too many enemies. You can still earn by various means, e.g. curation, but if your reputation goes low then your content gets hidden. You do not have to get along with everyone, but you need to find your people.

Although I have been on Hive for a long time that does not mean that I have massive influence. I have just met a lot of people via various events and I talk to them. How they act is entirely up to them. If you upset them then that is your issue to resolve.

I am not naming names to avoid causing more trouble for anyone. Long-running feuds are bad for all concerned and I do not want people driven away from Hive if they are willing to change.

The End

I already mentioned HPUD, but the start of each month means a few things for me. There will be new cards in @risingstargame and I need to produce my #BritList post. It does make me aware of time rushing by and the need to achieve things. Some of those things will involve Hive. Anyone can do something to help the platform and we can all benefit. Do not leave it all to others.

Hive five!

The man behind: @tenkminnows: Helping good Hivers level up

@proofofbrian: A bot that checks for tag typos

#BritList: A monthly list of Hivers in the UK

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