Bitcoin and Hive - today's heet

Read on Bloomberg:
"Because Bitcoin has no underlying fundamentals, such as profit streams or interest payments that help anchor the value of stocks and bonds, it’s inherently a speculative bet [...]"

Unlike Bitcoin, Hive is the currency of an (admittedly small) economy. Like @revisesociology details in this post, an investment in Hive can bring a "profit stream" from blogging and curating, gaming, delegating, etc.

(source) I typed "hiveland" in image search and learned there was an art performance by this name back in 2016

As currency of a community, Hive has an intrinsic value rooted in the economic activities (value exchanges) of that community. In that, Hive is easily among the most advanced cryptocurrencies.

Back in the days of steem, I had pointed this out a number of times, like for instance in this post, which reminds me to also mention which is an art market based on Hive.

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