RE: The Ultimate Guide to KILLING it on Hive (Part 1 of 37)

Oh my God! I almost had a heart attack reading this...hahahaha...until I understood that it was a joke and sarcasm for those who think that here it is a copy, paste and "kill" as you say and we also say in Venezuela.... Very ingenious and for this, you won me as a follower... And made the crazy ones: I follow you and you follow me? hahahaha...just kidding, just kidding...I'm not one of "those"... 🤣🤣

Oh Dios mio! Casi me infarto leyendo esto...jajajaja...hasta que entendí que era broma y sarcasmo para los que creen que aquí es copiar, pegar y "matar" como tu dices y también decimos en Venezuela... Muy ingenioso y por esto me ganaste como seguidora... Y hechos los locos: te sigo y me sigues? broma, es soy de "esas" 🤣🤣

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