RE: Gettr - Hive Competitor Gains Millions of Users Due To Support For Dr. Malone - Who I've Been Heavily Downvoted For Supporting.

The powers that be on Hive do not respect it's current users nor its churn rate. The fact is that Hive doesn't have a strong identity. Its built on buzzwords like decentralization and censorship resistance but doesnt bother to stand by those design features, instead offering bullying as a mechanic so that majority stakeholders can do what they want even if it creates an ecosystem with the worst user experience of any product I've ever encountered. Hive is just vaporware and doesn't deserve more users. In reality, hive is not a viable alternative to any social media and isn't actual competition for a microblogging site. Ultimately, many people who onboard will be held accountable for the fraud they proliferate. There's a double edged sword where if Hive grows enough it could put it on the radar an entity who will actually do something about it. I'm looking forward when they get the Bitconnect treatment they deserve. If Hive were to self regulate properly and not have these massive liabilities then I would onboard thousands of users. Marketing isn't that hard when you have consistent ethics in place. But people want to put the cart before the horse.

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