Revealing Satoshi - Part I: The Many Faces Of Satoshi Nakamoto


A long time ago, I published the story of The Mysterious SOS Sign in Japan, a real-life mystery from the 80s.

This story was irrelevant to my typical crypto-related work. Still, this is my top article in terms of views (2103, a decent number for this platform).

I discovered the story of the SOS sign in Japan from one of my favorite YouTubers, Barely Sociable.

Barely is one of my favorite narrators, captivating the audience with his voice and approach, but sometimes with a tendency to intentionally overcomplicate issues and occasionally skipping focal parts of the story significant enough to reach a definite conclusion.

After the "success" of my article concerning the SOS mystery sign in Japan, I attempt to debunk more of Barely's videos, a content creator that I completely respect and watch fanatically.

The top modern-day mystery worth multiple billions of dollars is the identity behind the founder of Bitcoin, the person (or team) that used the alias Satoshi Nakamoto.

I consider this story intriguing, as there were so many missing elements, and felt obliged to search extensively, recover missing fragments and try to solve that puzzle.


The Many Faces Of Satoshi Nakamoto

We begin a journey and dive into an extensive knowledge base adding elements we will discover along the way, clues that perhaps others overlooked.

A story that could have remained unsolved but at the end of the final chapter, the identity of Satoshi will be revealed.

There are dozens of candidates for the Satoshi Nakamoto title, but only a few cover the essentials, while even less seem to cover most of the details.

Cryptographers like Wei Dai, Nick Szabo, Hal Finney, Adam Back, and even Bitcoin developer Gavin Andresen, Craig Wright and David Kleinman, Ian Grigg, Dorian Nakamoto, Shinichi Mochizuki, and many more have been suspected to be a perfect match for the Satoshi profile.

Most will deny it, others will self-proclaim to be Satoshi. Moreover, the case of Dorian Satoshi Nakamoto is a rather interesting one, since this is an individual living close to Hal Finney, the first person to ever receive a Bitcoin transaction.

Everyone involved with Bitcoin early is a suspect, even Maarti Malme, Laszlo Hanyecz. Everyone that contributed with a meaningful way to the software was suspected to be Satoshi.

Some will claim it was not a single person but a team behind the creation of Bitcoin, and others will bring conspiracy on the table, naming the NSA as the creator.

We will discover only circumstantial evidence still we can reach a conclusion. However, the benefit of the doubt is strong considering all candidates, as we are missing substantial evidence to support a definite judgment.

Probably the only conclusion we can reach concerns the odds each suspect bears to be Satoshi.


Unmasking Satoshi Nakamoto, by Barely Sociable

While Barely Sociable required a few months to decide on the identity of Satoshi Nakamoto, and Adam Back is indeed a prime suspect according to the selected evidence Barely provided, when examining the topic in-depth we still find no direct evidence.

For this part of the story, watching Barely's video is the best way to spend 55 minutes of our free time.

I assure readers that the video is worth it, and beginners or not, you will have no issues following the events. Barely Sociable narrates this story with an approach that doesn't require technical Bitcoin knowledge.

So, let's watch: Bitcoin - Unmasking Satoshi Nakamoto, by Barely Sociable:


Barely's Story And The Bitcoin Maximalists Reaction

So, Barely Sociable gave us his version of Satoshi's identity naming cryptographer Adam Back as the most logical person behind the identity of the founder of Bitcoin.

While Barely presented most of the arguments as proof, still, the whole story seems it requires a leap of faith to acknowledge the conclusion. Inconclusive evidence sometimes matters and can bridge the gap of missing information, but may also lead us to false results.

It is not provable and not improbable either. And while the video presented a one-sided approach, it mostly contained assumptions but only a few solid arguments that made sense directly, without requiring that extra mile of explaining.

Whatever reaction this story produced, it was certainly wasn't met positively by the Bitcoin maximalists back in 2020.

The reasons are simple.

No, the maxis don't actually care if someone discovers Satoshi's identity. What they cared about, back in May 2020, was everything to remain stable and nothing to disturb what they envisioned as a beginning of a new bull run.

BTC maximalists are not just holders. They tend to sell their Bitcoins as the price rises and volumes increase. When prices begin dropping as interest in BTC starts fading, the same whales push prices to the downside even further so they can rebuy at a lower level, usually focused on a price 80% lower than the current BTC ATH.

In April 2020, everyone had already filled up serious BTC bags, causing them to be aggressive against anything that would threaten tranquility in BTC.

Regardless, their reaction against Barely Sociable was utterly abhorrent, and perhaps even Adam Back felt awful with the despicable live-stream of Tone Vays and Jimmy Song, and he later decided to discuss the topic with Barely Sociable on Twitter.

The Satoshi mystery might not align with the approach of the modern BTC maximalism, considering how BTC has to be sold to banks and institutions.

Perhaps revealing the truth is not significant anymore since BTC receives recognition as a Wall Street hedging mechanism or a high-risk investing instrument.

Bitcoin (BTC) does not appear to be a revolution anymore, but a product associated with funds, on display on Wall Street and waiting for a spot ETF to celebrate another achievement.

Satoshi's identity is a topic the Wall Street club doesn't enjoy as a point of discussion.

As the mainstream has connected anonymity on the internet with digital crime, and in the past related Bitcoin with anonymous black markets and the dark web, topics concerning Satoshi's identity are not encouraged.

When Bitcoin was still young and considered able to radicalize the payments sector, everyone was looking for Satoshi. After the narrative changed, the mystery behind Satoshi is slowly losing its appeal.

For most of the Wall Street BTC investors, whales, and modern-day maximalists, it would be better if Satoshi didn't exist.


End of the First Chapter



Barely Sociable thoroughly covered the story and shed light on details perhaps only a few of the early Bitcoinners knew. He also concluded that Adam Back is the main suspect behind the mysterious persona that created Bitcoin.

However, there are many discrepancies and the other side of events that we should also examine.

In The next chapter we shed more light on the facts Barely mentioned and we will also begin unfolding some clues gathered in this decade-long search for Satoshi's identity.


Originally published at

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