Simple Explain about "What exactly is the $HBD coin on HIVE CHAIN"

As of my last knowledge update in September 2021, Hive is a blockchain platform that was forked from the Steem blockchain. It aims to provide a decentralized social media and content sharing platform. HBD, or Hive Backed Dollars, is a token on the Hive blockchain. It's designed to be a stablecoin pegged to the US Dollar. Here's a brief overview:

  1. Hive (HIVE): The native cryptocurrency of the Hive blockchain. It's used for various purposes within the platform, such as governance, content curation, and as a reward for content creators.

  2. Hive Power (HP): This represents the amount of influence a user has within the Hive ecosystem. Users can use Hive Power to upvote content and curate the platform. The more Hive Power a user has, the more their votes impact the distribution of rewards.

  3. Hive Backed Dollars (HBD): HBD is a stablecoin on the Hive blockchain that's designed to be worth approximately $1 USD. Users can convert their HIVE tokens into HBD by using a process called "collateralizing." This involves locking up a certain amount of Hive Power to generate HBD. HBD can be converted back into HIVE at any time.

HBD was created to address the price volatility often associated with cryptocurrencies. It allows users to hold a token that has a more stable value, making it suitable for transactions and as a store of value.

Please note that developments in the cryptocurrency space can happen rapidly, and there may have been changes or updates to the Hive blockchain and its associated tokens since my last update. I recommend checking the official Hive website or other reliable sources for the most up-to-date information about HBD and the Hive blockchain.

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