10 Amazing Benefits of Meditation - Why Meditate?

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Meditation on a daily basis requires a level of devotion, which may lead to the question of why meditate? and what will I benefit from practicing meditation?

What is meditation - Benefits of meditation

There are many types of meditation which some of which bring different results and some bring similar results. However, the term Meditation is generalized as a practice of attaining 'peace of mind'. This peace of mind is not exclusively from quieting the mind, stillness, mindfulness, and enlightenment.

These benefits of meditation are almost immediate results that one can achieve instantly. But there are long-term benefits as well. Without further blubbing let's look at the benefits of meditation.

 10 benefits of meditation

#1 Benefits of meditation - Reducing stress

Number 1 benefit of meditation is to reduce stress, doctors and psychologists often recommend that you experiment with meditation when you're struggling to cope with stress when it comes to stress relief many people think you should deal with your stress by simply avoiding the things that stress you out. 

But physical and mental stress can come from anything. from our jobs our finances, even our friends and family. So it may not be something that you can avoid.

by learning how to meditate you can significantly reduce your stress without having to make any of these major changes to your lifestyle, but how can sitting in silence for 10 or 15 minutes have such a huge impact on your life when you're stressed about repaying student loans or giving a big presentation.

 Our bodies produce a hormone called cortisol, which is responsible for so many of the most common negative side effects associated with stress. cortisol can impair your memory, increase your blood pressure and disrupt your sleep all of which can make you feel fatigued and unmotivated. cortisol can also lead to depression and chronic anxiety which can bring your productive lifestyle to a crashing halt. 

A 2013 study found that Meditation specifically mindfulness meditation effectively deals with stress by decreasing the negative side effects of cortisol production a second study, which examined over twelve hundred participants found that regular meditation lowers stress more than almost every single medical or psychological treatment on the market in both of these studies. The results were consistent for people of all ages and experience levels. so one of the major benefits of meditation can incredibly reduce your stress. 

#2 Benefits of meditation - Build self-esteem

The second advantage of meditation is building self-esteem.

self-confidence is something that almost everyone struggles with on a daily basis in a world filled with critics and Bullies. It can be really difficult to develop and maintain a lasting positive self-image.

But without it, you may be struggling every day just to avoid another period of depression. now if this Sounds like you mindfulness meditation can help you build a kind of self-esteem that won't fall apart.

The next time something doesn't go your way mindfulness meditation is actually a pretty simple concept to practice mindfulness.

Mindfulness Meditation

All you need to do is bring your complete attention to the present moment by focusing exclusively on where you are and who you are. mindfulness can help you stay calm relaxed and aware. It can also reduce your anxiety while Allowing you to think clearly and rationally the ultimate goal of mindfulness meditation is to get you in touch with your senses and emotions giving you a deeper understanding of yourself.

 a 2005 study showed that this deeper understanding often results in the development of self-esteem. Now in this study researchers had a group of individuals diagnosed with breast cancer practice mindfulness meditation for 12 weeks at the start of the study each participant was Stood and showed very low levels of self-esteem.

But after 12 weeks of meditation, the entire group showed dramatic improvements despite their chronic illness while mindfulness meditation does help build self-esteem.

It's even more effective at stopping your self-esteem from decreasing when you experience failure or social rejection, you might start having cyclical negative thoughts which can quickly destroy all of the self-esteem that you build up.

these harmful thoughts discourage you from doing the things that make you happy, so it's incredibly important to address them before they get out of control mindfulness meditation is a great way to do just that because it offers you the opportunity to bring your attention to the negative thoughts or habits and find ways to correct them.

#3 Benefits of meditation - Avoid depression

The third benefit of meditating is you will be able to avoid depression. mindfulness meditation also has been used as a form of therapy for individuals struggling with depression.

Not only It reduced the production of chemicals in our brains. Associated with depression but meditation also Fosters a more stable emotional mindset by decreasing the presence of unhealthy behaviors brooding, for example, is common amongst individuals with depression allowing for negative emotions, like sadness anger and self-criticism to stick around for way too long

A study by the University of Exeter looked for this kind of behavior in two groups of people who are recovering from depression the First group used only depression medication while the second group practiced mindfulness meditation at least once every day.

The researchers found that about half of the medication group ended up relapsing because of unhealthy behaviors like brooding which prevented the medication from doing its job, on the other hand, those who practiced meditation were significantly less likely to relapse because they were less likely to engage in any of these depressive behaviors.

If you're hoping to improve your emotional health mindfulness meditation can be a safe and effective way to cut depression off at the source.

#4 Benefits of meditation -  Increased Focus & Attention

number four increased attention. For most people. The hardest thing about meditation is keeping your mind from wandering you're so used to constantly thinking about your work and all your responsibilities that it can be hard to focus on something simple like your breath or the present moment,

but by practicing this kind of Concentration you're actually increasing your attention span so that you'll be clear-headed and productive when you refocus your mind on work,

but how much can meditation really affect your attention well in 2007 a study answered this question by testing the concentrative skills of people before and after an 8-week course on mindfulness meditation, the researchers found that meditation dramatically improve their Speed and Performance despite having never Meditated before the eight-week course a number of other studies have shown the same overwhelmingly positive results suggesting that daily meditation can heighten your focus and increase your productivity

#5 Benefits of meditation - Reduce Insomnia

number five get better sleep. How long does it take you to fall asleep at night the number can vary, but generally it should take between 10 and 20 minutes for your body to relax shut down, and go to bed. So what does it mean if it takes you an hour or more? Or to fall asleep. Well, it could mean you're just going to bed too early. But difficulty falling asleep can also be a sign of insomnia believe it or not over half.

The population has dealt with insomnia, which can last anywhere from a few days to a few years. Most people would think to resolve the issue with sleeping pills, but these can have a number of nasty side effects including addiction and fatigue. So psychologists have begun recommending meditation as healthy and safe.

Death by meditating before bed gives your body and your mind the time to reduce stress and physically wind down according to a 2015 study this short period of relaxation can significantly improve the quality of your sleep. Even for chronic insomniacs.

It can help you fall asleep sooner stay asleep longer and stop you from randomly waking up in the middle of the night because you're getting a better night's sleep. You'll also notice improvements in memory concentration. Centration and problem-solving require your brain to be sharp and well-rested.

#6 Benefits of Meditation - Control your emotions

The sixth meditation benefit is being able to deal with your emotions rationally and control pain. The amount of pain or that you feel is often based on your own perception. Meditation increase the ability to respond to any situation with a rational mind, without getting drugged into the drama.

In other words. If you can learn to control your state of mind, you can control how to respond to any emotional state or the amount of pain you're feeling at any given time. Daily mindfulness meditation is an effective way to hone that controlled mentality which will allow you to cope with and lessen the amount of pain that you're feeling.

A 2011 study found that An individual who meditates every day seems to experience less pain than everyone else. They discovered this by looking at the activity of their brains while in pain finding that they reacted significantly less to painful stimuli in comparison to people who had never meditated before.

Another study tested pain tolerance and over 3,000 participants who were struggling with chronic pain, they found that those participants who Daily meditation for far better at coping With their pain whether you struggle with a chronic illness or just want to lessen the amount of pain that you feel the next time you get hurt daily meditation can potentially decrease your perception of pain.

#7 Benefits of Meditation - Improve your Memory

The seventh benefit of meditating on a daily basis improves memory though, not often recognized as one of the main benefits daily meditation can have a huge effect on the parts of our brain that store and recover Memories the best example of this was shown by a study in 2013 in which A group of researchers examined the brains of people who had never meditated versus people who meditated every day while they found that the brains of longtime meditators were more developed in a number of different areas.

The regions associated with memory were some of the most prominent these regions were thicker more intricate and more active than their counterparts which the researchers attributed to daily meditation. This means they not only have an easier time recalling events from their long term.

Ring but can also store information much more efficiently. These skills are extremely helpful. No matter who you are. So start practicing meditation to make sure you never forget your keys your phone or other important details of your life.

#8 Benefits of Meditation - Gain Insight

There are some tasks that require a level of insight for decision making. By meditating we are able to gain more insight into how things work, and be able to make better decisions about our lives. If you are unsure of getting into a new relationship, or whether you should choose which career over the other. Meditation will help you be able to see the side of things that you wouldn't be able to see on a regular basis.

You will find yourself making better decisions without hesitation. and moving to a better direction in life intuitively.

#9 Benefits of Meditation - Ignite Creativity

For those whose career revolves around art, they are required to come up with original ideas almost every day. Living a stressful life can catastrophically reduce your creativity levels.

You may find yourself unable to come up with original ideas. But by making meditation a daily habit, opens up your creativity and new ideas which will dramatically again your ability to perform an artistic work. Most producers and artists have created a meditation habit. like the Beatles were doing Transcendental meditation.

#10 Benefits of Meditation - Meaning of life

Meditation has always been label as a stress-reducing practice but its real purpose is for you to gain insights about life and yourself. Because eventually, life is about you and not anyone else.

Almost everyone struggles to understand their true purpose of life and the actual meaning of life. You end up reading a lot of books with theories about life and how others experienced the meaning of life. You find yourself moving from one group to another. But when you begin to meditate. You will gain inner peace and touch with yourself. that meaning of life will gradually come into a realization. where no one can move you around.

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