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Definition of Copete and Summary in the Journalistic Slang

This article describes two of the terms (copete and resumen) used in informative writing, which are an obligatory part of the structure that a written communication must contain.

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In my moments of reading when I am curious to document myself about any content, I come across something that I think is interesting to share, which refers to some terms that are part of the structure of the written journalistic content, which establish rules to follow to elaborate it, whose rules must be fulfilled without exception, Among those mentioned are the structures according to the type of article, whether short, medium or long, where the options must contain in its development the Copete and in the case of the long type article additionally must be attached the line on summary, followed by the paragraph that identifies the Copete.

Now, in the journalistic world, when it comes to communicating a message, specialists make use of their own codes of signals to express ideas, which will depend on the type of genre according to the written language to be developed, in terms of work technique, because as far as the structure is concerned, all news must contain.

Header: Copy and Summary

In this opportunity, the terms Copete and Summary will be expanded, content that should be located below the title and are identified as heading. The Copete is the introductory paragraph, also known as entry or start, whose wording will depend on the type of information to be developed, such as: descriptive, contrast, question, among others.

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The sole purpose of the Copete is to complement the title, whose content must be used in the development of the situation, announces the information included. The Abstract is the essence of the information, it is the paragraph that synthesizes the content, it can be read independently, since it offers the highlights of the article.Having the terms clear, the invitation is to continue with the creativity activated to continue developing useful content.