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We need a formal organizational structure for core development!!!🔨


This has become ridiculous.
First with the Justine stupidity where you gave her 50k USD and now with Netuoso that already got payed god knows how many tens of thousands of dollars via his 2 proposals.

Justine took the money and quit HIVE, Netuoso hasnt said anything public to the criticism, hasnt posted in 11 days and his last action 6 hours ago was to send $2000 he got from the DAO to bittrex.

I have one question...

Why dont you listen?

Huh? Didnt i tell you what would happen when you dont have a supervising factor in place? Did i not tell you that this would happen when you fund CONTINUAL DEVELOPMENT instead of individual task completion.

Oh, but wer all the supervisors.

Shut up! NO WE ARE NOT!!!

  1. The community at large lacks the skill or knowledge to judge dev work.
  2. The devs that can are more often then not friends with the dev whose work is being judged and they dont want their friend to lose money or they have what id call "colleague solidarity" so they keep their mouths shut and focus on their own stuff.

I made a mock proposal yesterday over the Netty criticism, @lordbutterfly/vote-my-proposal, because most of you are fucking ridiculous.

Alright, yes, both Nettys proposals have FINALLY lost their funding. How late was that? How much money do you think the DAO lost that is now being dumped on Bittrex because there was no one to provide the feedback to investors or the community?

Ive been saying this from day one but it took therealwolf not getting his proposal funded to speak up against Netouso getting 2 funded and not delivering!


That is slow, inefficient and idiotic.

So this is what i propose and please do ignore it so we bleed some more $$$ from the DAO and the community gets to a point where they start perceiving all developers and the slack core as leeches that take as much as they can before they quit HIVE.

Someone like @blocktrades needs to organize a core dev team that will be funded by the DAO. Their work needs to be supervised, a weekly report of the work done provided on chain and the team needs to have a clear vision and direction.

Oh, you mean like

Yes, like, BUT NOT SHIT.

You can organize weekly, monthly talks between devs but if youre not formally organized they have no responsibility to you, you cant enforce anything which is why you end up with situations like with Netty.
Maybe he is working on something but is late with commits, maybe he has been lazy all this time. Did he show up at his job today? Maybe he didnt. Maybe he didnt show up for a week, a month. Did he work 3 hours today or 3 hours this week? How much are you paying him per hour for his "CONTINUAL DEVELOPMENT"? Did he deliver at 80% or maybe at 20%.

Do we guess? Do we wait for dev friendships to break so someone speaks up?


Someone who is generally trusted and whose investment exceeds in a sufficient degree the necessary funding is the person to organize a core team in this way.

There are only 2 people i can think of for that. @theycallmedan and @blocktrades.