Help Others

It’s wild how some folks have stuck around here for 7 whole years. May they continue on for 7 more! I’m writing this post to share a thought and a question.

royalty-free image from pixabay

This week, while helping someone regain access to their Hive wallet, they asked an interesting question: What is the #1 thing new people should know?

Quickly I tapped out the first thing that came to mind:

Community is more important than money. Help others.

Afterward, @thekittygirl showed appreciation for my message and relayed it to The Terminal, a group that’s hyper-focused on helping others. It’s a place where @wesphilbin likes to hang out. Stop by there if you have a chance!

A lot of people in our space focus heavily on the money/rewards. The term is cryptocurrency and most projects revolve around that financial aspect. But, in my experience, Hive hits a bit different, and it’s not all about the money. There are many opportunities here to learn from each-other and build social fabric.

I hope that you see the value of community. And try to make the place a little bit brighter than you found it. When you need to take a break and come back 3 years later, someone will be here to help you get back on your feet.

A powerful question to ask yourself is: How can I help more people? It’s a question and answer that relates to your success in life and business. It’s a question I’ve had stuck in my head lately.

The answer is not all about self sacrifice. Helping others needs to be sustainable, or you won’t be able to continue helping for long. There are some days you have to take care of yourself first before you can help your neighbor.

What do you think? Please let me know in the comments. Should I write more like this?

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