How has blockchain solved problems in the Kingdom?

The Kingdom (@krolestwo) is a non-commercial meeting place based in a house located at 18 Biskupia Street, Cracow. The venue is open from Monday to Saturday and hosts various meetings, workshops and also language classes for Ukrainian refugees. This is one of the few examples of the comprehensive use of the Hive blockchain in social activities.

The Kingdom was founded in 2015 in Rzeszów and initially had nothing to do with new technologies. The change came in 2018, when the Fundition platform helped to raise funds to buy firewood. This enabled the place to survive the winter of 2018/2019. Spring, however, brought a revolution. The building that housed the venue was sold and had to be vacated. In this situation, the Kingdom moved to Krakow. The change of location was the impetus for a change in the entire system. Its basis became the blockchain Hive.


A fundamental change introduced after the move to Krakow is rewarding supporters with RCR and RCRT tokens.

RCRs are centralised tokens saved as MEMOs for microtransactions in the @fundacja account. They can be received for donations (1 RCR for every 2 PLN or 0,5 HBD) and strategic volunteering (5 RCR for 1 hour). Awarded tokens have two functions. Firstly, you can get various things for them. For example, tea (and many others described on @rynek). Secondly, they determine voting power.

RCRTs are tokens created with the Hive Engine. They are given out for involvement in projects and as rewards in contests. People can get them, for example, for videos/photos about the Kingdom published on Instagram. Instead of paying a corporation to advertise, we reward our visitors for doing so. RCR can be swapped for RCRT, but not vice versa.

The change in the system and the introduction of tokens greatly improved the Kingdom's situation. The ability to reward supporters proved to be crucial. People felt that the more they helped, the more they had a say in decision-making.


As Hive is an ideal crowdfunding tool, this aspect could not be missed either. Several accounts are currently working for the glory of the Kingdom: @krolestwo, @krolestwo.prawo, @fundacja, @rynek, @ksiazki, @lekcje, @muzeum, @briszkot, @kresykresow. All prizes are deposited in Savings on the @fundacja account. These funds are the foundation of the Kingdom Development Fund. HBD tokens are allocated for current needs and strategic purchases. For example, in June 2023, a digital piano was purchased for USD 1,000.

With the war in Ukraine in 2022, our activities have moved beyond the Kingdom. An important part of our support is the Benevolent Fund based on the @hive.aid account. It enabled us to send ~US$1400 worth of aid to Kharkiv and elsewhere. We also provide Polish lessons for Ukrainian war refugees. These have been running continuously since June 2022. Participants are rewarded with RCRT tokens.


Thanks to Hive, we were able to create our own token and raise funds for development. However, that is not all. The real treasure is the Polish Hive community. It has supported us many times. So it is not surprising that one of the goals of the Kingdom became to enlarge it. In the premises on Biskupia Street you can not only have a good time, but also create an account with the RC delegation.

Hive has become an integral part of the Kingdom. It is even written into the constitution as a voting tool. This makes everything transparent and unquestionable. Blockchain is fulfilling its role.


Publishing posts is one of the pillars of the Kingdom's blockchain crowdfunding. However, another aspect of this activity is worth bearing in mind. Hive has become an invaluable database for us. Posting every day not only grows the Development Fund, but also collects data that allows for reliable analysis. In turn, they are a clear signal to donors that the Kingdom is working and growing.

Hive has a motivating effect. It has resulted in several Kingdom improvement projects. The first is @ksiazki, which inventories the books on the premises. Thanks to the blockchain, they can be borrowed, and each borrowing is recorded in the system. The second is @muzeum. Its purpose is to describe all the interesting items in the Kingdom. The third and probably the most important is @krolestwo.prawo, which is the collection of laws of the Kingdom. Blockchain allows not only to store the acts, but also prevents some unexpected and unapproved corrections by the community.

The Kingdom is probably the only place in the world where blockchain is used to such a large extent. It is not just a tokenomy. It is much more than that. Hive is allowing us to raise funds, grow the community and pursue projects that would otherwise be doomed to failure. And it's just a pity that so few people in the crypto world know about this phenomenon...

The Kingdom is in the very centre of Krakow, 10 minutes from the Main Square, 18 Biskupia Street. And it is open from Monday to Saturday, from 4 p.m. to 11 p.m. Everyone is welcome!

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