Restless legs syndrome! Help!

Hello everybody,

i have a question! Doen anyone know a natural medicine against restless legs, and something that really works, because i've a traditional medicine, but i gain weight because of it, and i'm not a size zero allready, 😏. So that's a thing i do not want ....... and it doesn't work the way i want it to ...... during the day's i'm doing allright, but during the nights it starts again. And i wake up because of it, i have to take a walk or try to relax ......... but this week i have been up every night a few times, and that's not funny, because i have chronic pains too, so my body needs the time sleep to recover from the days.

I really hope that the people in this group know something, that can help me!!

I thank you in advance,
Greets Gejami

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