【The King's Puzzle】- A brain teaser about two balls

【The King's Puzzle】- A brain teaser about two balls
Once upon a time there was a wise king who liked to challenge his courtiers and people with difficult problems. One day he posed this question: "I have a bucket with two balls in it, a red ball and a blue ball. I will blindly choose a ball from the bucket, and you have to guess which ball I choose. Is the ball red or blue? If you guess correctly, you will be rewarded, otherwise you will be punished." This problem seems to be very simple, but everyone makes a mistake, they default to the red ball and the blue ball in the bucket The balls are the same size, weight and shape. So everyone came up with some guesses, but they were all dismissed by the king.
The answer is in the brain teaser in the next issue. Stay tuned for the next episode of Brain Teasers.

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