【Road differences between the United States and the United Kingdom】- A brain teaser about the differences between roads

【Road differences between the United States and the United Kingdom】- A brain teaser about the differences between roads
One day, an American and an Englishman were chatting together. Suddenly, the Americans asked the British: "Do you know why the roads in the United States are straight, but the roads in the United Kingdom are curved?" The British asked curiously: "Why?" The Americans replied with a smile: "Because the United States is In the new country, when the cities were built, they were planned according to straight lines, while the cities of England were built in the middle ages, so they were all winding roads."
After the British listened to it, they thought for a while, and then asked the Americans: "So, why do all the roads in the UK turn left and the roads in the United States turn right?" The Americans couldn't think of an answer for a while, so they shook their heads . do you know?
The answer is in the brain teaser in the next issue. Stay tuned for the next episode of Brain Teasers.
【Question of the Three Guards】Answer: The person should ask the second guard: "If I asked you which way leads to the exit, would you tell me which way?" If the second guard is honest Yes, he will reply "I will tell you the first way". If the second guard is a liar, he will tell the man that he will tell him which way to go, but in reality he will tell him the wrong route. Therefore, the person only needs to choose the second route, because he knows that the second guard will definitely not choose the correct route, so the person only needs to choose another route.

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