Drastic Measures Due To Covid

Hello Everyone,

I feel this deeply ingrained sadness when I see people glued to their phones all day, oblivious to the world around them.

Does anyone remember the old world? Before these devices existed in society?

I do, and I wish we could go back to that.

We can, but the only way for it to happen is for people to stop using these devices.

I don't use mine much at all, just for phone calls and photographs, but I have always been very aware of my willing participation with something that is detrimental to mankind.

This morning I received a notification on my SMART device.


Blood boiling anger does not begin to describe my immediate physical response.


They must think I really give a fuck about being notified.. and surely this won't be the last message, unless I ENSURE IT IS.

My immediate response:



Sorry BoostMobile... You have always been a pretty pleasant company to deal with over the past 10 years, and even financed me a device with poor credit at one point in time, but due to Covid, I have to say goodbye now.

I'll be searching for a VOIP solution over the course of the next two weeks, and the Hive community will be getting another futuremind Covid update (not my cat, he's doing great though!) where I smash this mind control device into a million pieces :)

I wonder if anyone else in New York is cancelling their service today. Wouldn't surprise me, but it also would not surprise me if the numbers are low, sadly.

If anyone has any VOIP recommendations, drop the info below please.

Have a nice day! -@futuremind

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