The Million $HIVE Mindset

What's your Hive mindset? When I take a look at my account where I'm starting over again, I don't see the piddly 200HP that I actually have, but the 1,000,000HP that I hope to have in my future.

Stake matters, not only in terms of lifting up smaller content creators, but as social proof to potential new members taking their first look at Hive. So what to do with a (currently) small account like mine? Keep Plugging Away.

I've come back several times from a financial crisis in the family, and worked to see my Hive account grow again. So I know it can be done, one post and comment at a time.

I also get why Hivians flock to larger accounts, as they have the Hive Power resources in order to help them grow faster, so I totally get it. Who in the Hell would want to upvote my content, no matter the quality? So trust me, if you've supported my work, I appreciate every single one of you, as you're making a vote for the future when I (hope to) have 1,000,000 $HIVE.

I'm Doing This Now

So what can we do in the meantime? I recently tried to fund my Coinbase account with a small amount of fiat so that I could chain fiat>$litecoin>$hive, and was shocked to see that they now require the hated Plaid service where you're sharing your login with them.

So now I'm searching for something with as little intrusive KYC (that can be used in America) in order to keep buying $HIVE as I used to. Maybe a Bitcoin ATM?, but I'm sure the fees will eat me alive.

Other suggestions for new (and "newish") Hivians, are to continue shaping your content. Optimize your headlines (I often create several that I can choose from). Tighten up your paragraphs, and enhance your writing for readability. Use this time when you have little support coming in to improve your skills as a writer.

Share your Hive posts on social media. I can tell you from personal experience that even on posts that receive almost no upvotes or comments on Hive, that I'm regularly contacted by people on Twitter about posts I wrote months and even years ago!

So don't be discouraged if it seems as if you've been forgotten on Hive. Google indexes not only each Hive post, but also EVERY TWEET THAT YOU SHARE ABOUT THOSE HIVE POSTS! So keep writing and getting better every day.

At the price that $HIVE is right now, you could buy 100 for less than $30. Just think about that. 1000 $HIVE for less than $300. I'm sure many of you spend more than that on Pornhub! lol!

If I didn't have family financial responsibilities here, I'd be doing exactly that. So do what you can, when you can. At 100 $HIVE per week, your account will grow to 5,200HP by the end of the year. 1000 $HIVE per week, and suddenly you're in Josediccus territory at 52,000HP (Congrats at celebrating your "HIVI-GOURATION" six years on Hive!), and your name starts showing up on the top 20 list of voters on each post.

That's where I was before this latest family crisis. In the top twenty upvoters on both LeoFinance and Hive. It was what I was aiming for, and I made it.

Once you have several thousand HP, then your earnings begin compounding even faster. In the tens of thousands of Hive Power, it turns into an even larger snowball rolling downhill, and you can bring other content creators along for the ride.

You know what I do when my posts pay out? First up, I power up 0.050HP every. single. day. I started at 0.010HP per day, and increased the daily powerups as my earnings increased. So if I have a post that earns say, $10, I'll powerup 0.500HP instead of the usual 0.050. Then I take the HBD (if there's an appreciable amount, as I do the 50/50 split), sell it for $HIVE, and split that amongst dividend-producing tokens (the kind that drip me $HIVE, and others).

I also add the little growth I receive to the LEO SWAP:HIVE liquidity pool each day, and participate in other pools in a small way. Every little bit helps.

So while I may not (currently) have 1 million $HIVE, I have a plan for getting there. My next goal is 500HP, then double that to 1000, then keep growing at 1K until I'm at 10,000HP. After that, with compounding curation rewards, we're off to the races in developing the Million $HIVE Mindset!

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