EXODE adds staking with gameplay. Welcome to EXODE Factions!

Hello pilots!

Crypto is booming and EXODE is getting ready for its long awaited recruitment of players! To ease access into EXODE we had a new website, we had new tutorials, and now we are getting more content.

Last week we revealed a new gameplay on EXODE, with a limited demonstration.

Read here to find out more about EXODE Factions, EXOFUEL, EXODE Credits and all the new exo-fun to take part into!

Choosing your mission in EXODE Factions.


A demonstration of EXODE Factions, our new gameplay mode, was released a week ago on February 10th.

The tests - which always happen on our Discord Server - have been going on smoothly so we can now go more public about it.

EXODE Factions allows you to use your existing collection.

It also uses a new currency called EXODE Credits to activate your cards for this mode. The demo just gives you demo credits to try it out, and it's short - but we are definitely going to push it further!

So do you need any credits? no need for the demo!
But then yes, if you want more rewards.

There is much information to cover:
here you can get some of the real concepts powering Factions gameplay.

Should you jump in?
Feel free to check out how Factions looks and plays here by logging in.

And we will soon add a gameplay video to this article!

1. Factions is a bonus gameplay!

Your EXODE cards allow you to try out Evacuation and Colonization. But they can give you access to Factions too if you want it. It is as a bonus gameplay! It's not mandatory to get into Factions.

But should you choose to do so, it's easy:
and available right after logging in!

To play Factions, players just need to click on this button!

Since you already have the cards, we believe you should try this out. The free demo aims to explain some of the interface for now, and is extremely short at the moment. It will get extended with mission completion and mission rewards.

We have to say that it is to become an essential part of EXODE.
If you miss Factions, you'll miss on many rewards you can get.

In Factions, you don't have to play your entire collection: you can decide which cards you would like to "activate and play".

The demonstration explains how to activate cards and use them.

In addition, cards combine all their copies into their same asset, thus reducing a lot the number of assets you have to play. They make the associated card stronger.

For instance if you have 30 copies of the same Comms Officer card, you will see only 1 Comms officer asset, but it will have more stars on it so it will be more powerful.

If you have more copies of a card, it will have more available stars. Here the stars are grey: they have not been activated yet!

But even with this situation there are a lot of different card models in EXODE! Hundreds of them!

So there will be be a specific Factions knowledge to develop and deepen, as we are sure players will develop as soon as they get access to more content.

Combining copies into one asset and then deciding on a few to activate allow large collections to participate without feeling overwhelmed by the number of cards they have to play.

They can activate just their most powerful assets (such a the ones where they have the highest number of elites or their rarest cards) and play with few Agents. Or if they appreciate Factions and want a larger roster and more rewards, they can activate more Agents and access more mission content.

Activation means that you can decide on how much you want to commit and get into it, or even decide not to. And the demo will give you some time too to decide about it.

So there is freedom!

But Factions is not only that:
We believe Factions is an essential part of a good, rewarding, lasting and balanced staking model.

Factions is a mode which is both technically close to, and far from what is called "staking". It is as if staking was thought "better": with missions completed by agents, tasks and quests in PVE and indirect PVP, some strategy, some player skill and opponents to compete with.

It is not the first time a game goes into staking, after all, so we could look at what we did not want to play, and of course we had to do it the EXODE way.

After several prototypes developed before we finally opted for Factions as the best model to implement.

A new article is coming up about Factions currencies ; but you can find more about Factions concepts below.

2. Factions is 100% made of EXODE DNA and expands the EXO-verse.

Factions uses one of EXODE strongest aspect of gameplay:
the universe of 2325!

Missions briefings and themes deepen the background of what exists in EXODE.

You will be able to happily and strategically use the theme of the Syndicate, the Rebels, the Federation and Rekatron and Tom corporations, with every asset in your collection contributing to unlock new mission areas, to reveal new briefings and mission templates, and to upgrade your Agents.

There are many mission areas to unlock with your collection. Here with the Space Academy...

... or several areas unlocked by contract packs and faction cards, such as Syndicate, Rebel,  Inquisition, Rekatron and Tom Settler!

This is voluntary:

Thanks to Factions new players will get a first step ingame into this universe and lore without having to read many articles.

They'll receive these bits automatically in mission areas and briefings, in character abilities, in illustrations and lore and while playing the agents they prefer. Then of course, once they want to know more, player guides will be there.

We also believe this will make new players more interested into Evacuation and Colonization later, which is felt as a more "thorough and engaged situation". Thanks to Factions, some of these players will be committed and feel ready to get into a full Evacuation.

It also keeps players "busy" doing things in Factions while development continues!

3. Factions has gameplay, progression, variation and strategy.

You make teams of agents, send them into missions and will then reap the rewards.

a. Pick your Agents!

Usually missions allow three Agents slots and you are free to put any character or support card there, however some slots are faction-restricted or require specific types. For instance, space missions usualy require a starship card!

The first mission screen has three agent slots, but demo allows to use one.

b. Pick your Roles!

Many mission slots allow several roles for this slot.

After you have placed your card you can pick one of several possibles roles for each agent you placed. Different roles will trigger other mission effects and use other traits from your card.

For instance, the first slot is often the one of the Team Leader and proposes several leader roles, each with different effects.

Picking a role reveals some of its effects, but the interface needs to be pushed further.

c. Wait for mission results!

Our current demo stops just short of mission completion; but mission completion will have a debriefing screen with events and how they unfolded. Mission completion will use a number of rolls and game effects.

d. Progression and rewards!

There will be a huge progression model. In addition to gaining factions levels and upgrading mission areas by playing them to access new missions, you can unlock "promotion copies" of a card (which act as a collection copy, limited to Factions), item rewards to use in Factions and of course currencies.

d. Competition!

Most missions put you in competition with another player. This will be done automatically by matchmaking and revealed in mission results.

In most cases completing a full success on mission objectives give you most of the reward, and your opponent is only there to determine if you also get a bonus. You get this bonus if you did better than this other account. And it's always nice to see that you performed well, right?

But in more directly opposed missions, such as squad combat, you eliminate the other team (virtually, his Agents will recover): so there can only be one winner!

e. Strategy and risk prevention

You will discover that some mission roles trigger a special effect on your Agents, or in the case of an enemy team, on enemy Agents. Some mission roles also protect you better against certain events which may rise. Some reveal information on another player team. Because there will also be team versus team missions where you are matched with players against another group.

Our next updates to our demonstration will mostly focus on showing this part!
The interface will tell you what does what,
We'll be sure to tell you as soon as it is ready.

4. Factions give valuation to your collection

Between the video and the explanations in the demo you should now understand how some basic concepts work. Your collection gives you three elements:

  • More varied Agents that you can activate
  • More stars on your Agents
  • More mission areas: origin cards and contract packs unlock their own mission sections ; and the more origins and contract packs, the more ranked your missions will be, with more rewards.

5. This is what players need!

Factions is a P2E model coming into EXODE with a missions gameplay, before Colonization will top it up with player designs in the new galaxy.

And nothing powers up valuation as dramatically as P2E.

Thanks to a new currency to activate and upgrade cards (EXODE Credits) and another for comfort (Exospresso) there is also usage directly tied to the new currency.

And as other game communities are really familiar with P2E, so much that they want it available right away, we believe Factions make EXODE more compatile to what they want to experience immediately.

Thanks to a tied gameplay to deepen - and the amazingly high number of mission areas, situations, opponents, and 460+ different card models in EXODE - we are also far from facing risk of a ponzi.

Protected valuation

No P2E can last if it is not built with some hindsight: with Factions we want...

  • characters they can relate to,
  • a game to make players involved, a gameplay they want to deepen,
  • a mystery to reveal,
  • friends to help out,
  • chances to succeed and to fail
  • and to involve strategy and player skill.

Now you know everything!

Well... actually... no :D

We have more knowledge to share, such as how card traits are used, what rolls are made, how to get bonuses, which difficulty you should beat...

Or how to upgrade cards, what items are made for, what will your rewards be...
So much more information to share here!

In addition, we are going to resume our release of Talent+ abilities and to set up some long-awaited pack opening.

Be sure to check our discord to be aware of our current roadmap. ( here )
And our website to start playing.

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