An apology is good enough for me!

And so @cranium posts what I believe is an honest and open apology to the #Hive community and specific individuals. If that's not good enough for you and you follow me, get off my timeline. I've no time for closed minds! That was then and this is now so for me we start with a clean sheet.


Now I'll wait with narrowed eyes to see what happens. Is there a rehabilitation process on Hive? Is there no way back from a mistake? How do we get righteous when we fook up? Can someone NEVER gett off a watch list?

Sadly, I notice, the apology got downvotes which smacks of a vendetta or bullying, take your pick.

"Three strikes and you're not out: There's always one more thing you can do."

Let's see if cranium keeps their nose clean. 🤞

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"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."
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