Just stop talking about Hive blockchain

As it happens very often for me the next episode of Lex Fridman's podcast triggers my posting in English on Hive. I getting tired of hearing this man talking with his guest about Hive without knowing about it or about socio-economical issues that might be solved easily by Hive. The need is there.

The thing for Hive is that we are absolutely hidden and separated. Having our own social media, creating our own bubble. It's hard to get noticed. Just waiting for the right moment to pop up. I believe this moment is here. We just need to change one simple thing in our branding.

Until now the best narrative to talk about Hive was this blockchain thing. Blockchain was very trandy and popular term, but potential has ended. Blockchain is not sexy anymore, maybe for institutions and devs. At the end this is just very powerful, but ultimately boring backend tool.

We should change this backend narrative to sexy and attractive fronend term. Until this time it was not possible. We just couldn't find one that would fit or the world wasn't ready to get it.

In one of the last episodes of Lex podcasts his guest Balaji Srinivasan talks Network States. I'm aware that @taskmaster4450 refers to this term for some time in his posts, but now 2.2mln people were exposed to it! We have a unique chance to market Hive as THE FIRST NETWORK STATE out there.

Except of crowdfunding money for our piece of land we fit into his definition of network state. What we built there through many years is practical implementation of these guy theories about a future. But we are even more, businesses might be built on Hive, another network states might be built on top of the first one. You all know about that.

We should as well put our resources into reaching guests of Fridman. Let's email proffesors, let's put HBD into Patreons of people harder to reach. Let's make them aware about Hive, the first Network State. Few months ago, after one interview I emailed Johnatan Heidt who talked about challanges of social media.

And to a big surprise of mine, I got answer. This is just modest action of one small fish. What can we achive when multiplied?

Here is original talk with Balaji, use timestamps since it's insanely long one.

What is Hive?

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1 column