Is Life Black and White or Shades of Gray?


People fall into two camps. Those who believe that life is black and white, and those who believe there are shades of gray. The camp you fall into largely depends on your upbringing and experience.

Religious individuals view the world through a lense of right and wrong. This is based upon the codification of morality in their tradition. The world is seen as fallen, and rules and ethics are dictated from above. The divine divides actions into right and wrong. This is the source of a black and white perspective.

Those who are in secular homes typically view the world through a neutral lense. Actions are viewed as how they impact others in the immediate vicinity and society as a whole. They are untethered from dictated morality, and often have a collectivist perspective.

One's perspective is dictated by upbringing and belief system. Is the world black and white or shades of gray? What is your take?

Picture from Pixabay.

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