The abuse does not stop on Hive downvotes are used as a tool to scare and abuse people

The abuse does not stop on Hive downvotes are used as a tool to scare and abuse people.

Downvotes on Hive are needed but not to be used wrong we must have something in place to stop the misuse of downvotes we need new Hive Police that will do the work they are meant to do.

We can not allow angry nasty sad people to have so much power on Hive, right now Hive is worse than Steemit and Blurt put together whether you like it or not it is the truth.

On Hive speaking the truth earns you downvotes, and Hive can not evolve like this?

You might have power on Hive but no power in the real world Hive is not going to grow with the power in the wrong hands we speak to many who watch what is unfolding on Hive

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