RE: Aureal partners with Unstoppable Domains: The new frontier for Social Podcasting on Web3

It's understandable, There are multiple things happening here:

Instead of you handling multiple accounts on multiple chains, you just login with unstoppable domains where all your accounts are mapped. This allows multiple benefits for you:

  • You don't have to get involved into a lot of technical jargon. Just like you can use your hive username for payments, you can now use your unstoppable domain for payments across multiple chains like Ethereum, Polygon etc.
  • You can accept donations in multiple cryptocurrencies by just using your unstoppable domain.
  • It'll be as easy as using any other web 2 app.
  • Unstoppable domains support Hive, so all your account creation process get simpler, and Onboarding gets simpler.
  • People using unstoppable domains can come to Hive, and people from Hive can access all the apps on other chains.
  • As Aureal moves to other chains, One login enables all, so no need to worry about technicalities again.
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