Marketing Target Persona Challenge

This has been something on my mind for a long time and I do have a few examples so I'm just going to shoot off real quick with some I think off the top of my head would be a great fit for Hive.

Check out the challenge created by @guiltyparties if you also want to write a post on this.

Name: Stream McStreamer
Interests: Likes to entertain his viewers with streams and videos.
Rest of info doesn't really matter.

Needs: Stream McStreamer wants to have a close relationship with his viewers, they support him financially through different platforms such as Twitch, Youtube and Patreon and love his content, he also frequently chats with them and plays games with them to make that part of his content. One thing he can't help is that a lot of that support that he receives goes through middlemen, every subscription fee a supporter pays, half of it goes to the platform. When a viewer wants to donate money directly, he has to purchase the inhouse currency of the platform for 15% more than what the streamer ends up receiving. This annoys the streamer somewhat because not only does it make it way more expensive for his supperters that want to support him, but on top of these fees there's also taxes he has to pay meaning that from a supporter subscribing he may end up with only 30% of the $5 they pay.

To top it all off, this source of income that he's worked for years to build and is now reaping the rewards is very fragile, one wrong word said accidentally or in the heat of the moment and it can all go away. There's often also viewers who send the streamer links to check out and he can't trust them because they may send him explicit content that may end up getting him banned. This leads to the streamer often living in fear, 2nd guessing everything he says and it puts a mental barrier on his thoughts. Since his content is defined by what he does on stream and how he interacts with the viewers he feels that this is decreasing the quality of the content when he has to be careful of every single thing or his main source of income he's worked so hard for can be erased at the click of a button.

Opportunity: Stream McStreamer finds out about Hive and starts posting his content there as well. Even though he can't directly stream on Hive's front-ends at the same time as his other platform due to a contract, he cross-posts his videos and stream highlights onto the video platform on Hive called @3speak. He let's his community know that he is also on Hive and that aside from posting his content there he has also going to build a community there and let his big subreddit know that they can use his community on Hive the same way as they do on Reddit but with extra perks. When a viewer asks him what those extra perks may be, he tells them: "I think this is a new technological solution that brings freedom to content creators and viewers never seen before. Not only are we not burdened by fees and middlemen when we interact with each other and send each other tips and donations but there's also an easy way for me to give back to my followers there. I have purchased a reasonable amount of stake in Hive as I want to own part of their web3 solution and I'll have my moderators curate content and comments to reward my best viewers to also reward you with some stake and at the same time reward those who have been most loyal to me for years and always checking out my posts and writing insightful comments about my content.

Aside from the way rewards work he also knows that if anything were to happen to his centralized income sources he is continuously building a presence and getting his viewers involved more on Hive so that if the need be he can focus on Hive more. He feels some weight off his shoulders knowing that when he streams on 3speak he doesn't need to be too careful with what he says or if he rages at a moment in an intense game and calls it names, even though some viewers won't like it and stop watching he knows that the platform won't ban him about it. He also understands that even if the platform on Hive at some point changes their ToS there will most likely be another one popping up in the case of him getting banned there he'll just switch platforms while still being on the same chain, with mainly the same income source and the amount of followers all being immutably stored and his wallet belonging to him and him alone and no one being able to change that.

Name: Mew Pokéball
Interests: Streaming, video content and TCG collector

Needs: Mew likes to stream opening card packs with his viewers, some times he purchases boxes and shares the packs inside with his viewers and they enjoy him opening them with thousands of other viewers watching way more than if they were to open them themselves so this is an ongoing activity on his streams. He also streams looking over cards and packs on ebay and amazon and ordering them live, trying to figure out the value of some of the cards based on recent sells, their conditions and the trust of the seller and buyers, there's so many things to keep in mind when doing business in this sector and on top of it all now with the hype in Pokemon Cards the scams have exponentially grown alongside it.

Opportunity: Someone recommends him to check out Hive and Splinterlands TCG. After reading more about it he is amazed and brings it up with his viewers, after mentioning all the advantages one of his viewers compiles all the info to break it down and make it easier to read for his other fans who may miss out the video so they can read it on his subreddit or his Hive community instead.

Sharing your content on Hive gets you:
Immutability, your text stored on the chain will be here forever, even if you edit out the content the original is possible to be read.
Inflation, buying and earning stake on Hive gets you to own part of that "internet" so called web 3.0. You can use your stake to grow your influence and you can do so much more with that influence on this platform than on any other one.
If a front-end goes down, bans you or keeps demonetizing you with downvotes or won't run ads on your videos you may be able to choose another competitor while not losing your followers or stake and source of income that inflation may bring you.

Getting into Splinterlands TCG compared to Pokemon only:
Digital immutable cards, first of it's kind where the company can't delete your cards, tell you not to sell them or have any control of your collection.
Scarcity that can be confirmed, the blockchain stores all the data of how many of each card exists, how and for how much they've been sold and who the buyers and sellers have been.
Legitimacy of cards, there are no fake cards on Splinterlands, sellers can't fake cards or re-seal packs they sell to you to open up on stream with your community. Each card you see on the market is always in perfect condition and real.
Fee-less transactions, breaking boxes has never been easier when your viewers can directly send you Hive Backed Dollars to purchase packs with, without any middleman fees such as Paypal or bank transfers, similarly once you've opened the packs you can send the cards to the buyers directly with 0 fees as well so they can start playing with them instantly and most importantly play with them without affecting their condition.

Alright this post is getting a bit long but it's just a couple examples of what I've been interested in watching on youtube and twitch lately and keep wondering how much more these content creators would appreciate what we have on Hive if only they'd know about it and there'd be a momentum for them to hop on it along with their viewers.

I think there's some movement going on, especially in the Pokemon TCG sector where some random celebrities have started collecting cards because of the recent hype and at the same time started purchasing BTC and ETH due to the hype, the connection between crypto, TCG's and then social media platforms on blockchains is not far off so will be interesting to see who the first ones are that make the connection and the jump to try them out and understand what they're getting into! Interesting time ahead, 2021 will be a banger!

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