Become an expert in your field and write about it

I had recently an interesting discussion with a friend where I tried to explain the merits of blogging on Hive. My friend found the concept interesting but he thought that it wasn't for him. He had the feeling that he didn't have any knowledge worthy of a post.

I remember that I was thinking similarly when I tried to create online courses that I wanted to sell. There was indeed a phase in my online career where I created online courses and wrote e-books that were intended to be sold. Before I went down this lane, I read several books and researched the topic of creating content that people would be willing to pay for. I learned a lot and got started.

How to create content that others want to read or even pay for?

What I remember of the things that I researched is that there is often a wrong perception of what type of knowledge could bring value to others. Many think that you need a PHD to have enough expertise to write things that others would want to read. But this is not true at all.

If for example you read a book on a certain topic. You automatically become more informed than 95% of the population who hasn't read this book. This is also true if you watch a video, a movie or anything similar. Some minimal research allows you to be among the 5% of the best informed people regarding the subject. This means that you can actually teach something new to 95% of the population! You don't need to be a the leading specialist in a field to be able to create content about it. You just need to have a better knowledge than the average person.

Chose your field of expertise and write about what you learn

What I want to say is that you can be an expert on any subject quite quickly. Imagine there is a new website where you can earn crypto. You check the site out, register and try it as well as possible. Now, you simply share what you have learned in a post or a video. In very little time, you can become the expert regarding this website. You can then later give updates about what you have discovered, give some tips and tricks and make this website your field of expertise. You will be more knowledgable regarding this site than all the people who haven't registered yet. Maybe this website offers a referral program and in addition to having something to write about, you might get some referrals on the way and earn some crypto.

An example how I became a specialist for Freebitcoin

Freebitcoin is probably the oldest bitcoin faucet in existence. I knew about it well before most of other people and I brought tons of people to it. I then started to create videos about how to get more out of the site, how to improve your earnings,... Each time I made a video, I referred to it over my websites. People watched and asked me a lot of questions. Over time, I became the Freebitcoin specialist.

Not only did I always have something to write about but I got also 245 referrals that joined the website through my referral link. I earned 0.048 BTC on Freebitcoin just through referral commissions. At today's BTC price, this is close to 3200 USD worth of Bitcoin. So it can pay quite well to be a specialist in a niche :-)

This is just an example. You can chose whatever area of expertise. It's always good to chose something that you are already interested in and you are enjoying. Simply do some research, share what you have found out and then go on. Become the person that people turn to when they want to learn about this subject. You will suddenly find a lot to write about...

With @ph1102, I'm running the @liotes project.

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