Empty Nest Neurotic

The More Things Change 2019. Oil on canvas, 48 x 32"

In 2019 our youngest daughter graduated high school and went to college. I had empty nest syndrome pretty bad, and worked through the separation anxiety by making paintings about my condition intending to show them on campus at a fundraiser in the spring. Then COVID came, and the many new anxieties to manage.
I had the show anyway, in true Stuckist fashion, at our house (video below), and on Facebook Live. Nearly 100 people watched. Pandemics make for great captive audiences.
Here are some of the paintings. The video is partially without sound (Youtube® copyright policy—I had Miles Davis playing in the background. Somebody not Miles Davis is still earning his royalities.) The elegant lady guest is my wife, Rose. Our daughter appears several times in different costume to give the appearance of more guests “in the flesh”.

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Empty Nest Rearrangement 2019. Oil on canvas, 20 x 16"

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On Family days, Very Early Saturday Morning, Many Fathers Were Out Taking Pictures 2019. Oil on canvas, 24 x 18"

I sent this one to the college President in thanks for the excellent job she (and the school) did keeping the classes on campus during the entire pandemic.

You Told Me How Great College Is While the Coach Chewed Out the Secondary 2019. Oil on composite, 18 x 24"

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Full nest, October Night 2019. Oil on canvas, 18 x 24"

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There Are So Many Fun Things to do Now That the Girls Have Grown 2019. Oil on canvas, 16 x 20"

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Visiting the Grandchildren 2019. Oil on canvas, 20 x 16"

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Picking Hops to Ferment Bad batch of Beer 2019. Oil on canvas, 12 x 16"

Daylight Savings Might Inspire New and Interesting Dinner Menus 2019. Oil on wood composite, 12 x 16"

Somedays We Take Walks at the Nature Center and Lose It 2019. Oil on canvas board, 9 x 12"

I Could Do This All Day Long, But YOU Have to Work! 2019. Oil on canvas, 18 x 24"

Here is a video of the now famous COVID home exhibition in April, 2020:

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