TribalDex - New pools and rewards enhancements proposals

I am a regular user of TribalDex and I am actively participating in different Liquidity Pools. Doing so it is normal to observe different enhancements that can be added and which offer more information to the end-users. More information, more knowledge, more opportunities to invest in pools with higher rewards.


So while I am browsing the TribalDex Pools, I find it difficult to distinguish between what's new (and if there is something new) and what pools were already existing and giving the same rewards over a long period of time. Thus I think that we should feature in a more visible way the NEW POOLS as these might provide information of new tokens that might have been launched or for existing ones that there is a Liquidity Pool that bridges the buying and selling points. And on top of that if these have rewards that will make an easier decision for us to become Liquidity Providers in one pool or the other.


Similar to how the current Liquidity Pools rewards are signaled (has LP rewards) we could have another markup for the newly created pools (new LP). Another or additional option to that would be to have also the LP creation date as a column that we could sort upon. Both options aren't mutually exclusive and could bring a nice touch to the Hive Dex.


At the same time, the "Search pair" in the Pools section could be enhanced with additional options for a refined search. For example, having a simple checkbox to filter the pools that have or do not have rewards would bring great value. We have already an implementation of that on an alternative LP tool on BeeSwap, but I think it is a basic search criterion that would be useful on TribalDex as well.

3 columns
2 columns
1 column