RE: Online School in progress... and breakfast (and other things)

Wow! What a story.

My daughter is 17 and just about to right her GED. She had a teacher when she was still in school that just ruined the class environment for her. So we made the change and she thrives on her own. I’ve never facilitated her and she just gets on all by herself online.

My son moved to Cyberschool a year ago (grade 8) because we thought we were immigrating (that got cancelled by COVID). But he’s loving Cyberschool and there’s no reason to go back to regular school. He just started Grade 9 and we are happy and relaxed.

He’s struggled with a form a dyslexia and now all his assessments are multiple choice and I do the homework and assessment reading for him so he just has to pick the right answer. It’s made our lives a million times better.

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