Time for new experiments, guys! Welcome to our home laboratory:))πŸŽ†

Today it's time for my son to see some nice processes connected with...balloons! yeah, one of the most favourite kids toys can be nice items to get new knowledge about the world.

Let's go!

Experiment 1.

We need:

  • 2 ballons
  • some water

We inflate one balloon, and the second balloon should be filled with some water.

Now we try to heat them with fire from the lighter.

the first one is the balloon with air - only 1-2 sec and BOOMπŸŽ‡ - it bursts very fast

the seconf one is the water balloon - and we were tired to wait for the BOOM but it didn't happen! Of course it would burst sooner or later but we were waiting for 20 sec or more and nothing.

It's enough to see that water cools down the balloon and thus its heating is much slower, so it can live longer above the fire.

Air is heating up VERY fast, that's why BOOM happens immediately.

It's a nice way for kids to uhnderstand difference between water and air and their relationships with fire.πŸŽ†

Experiment 2.

We need:

  • a wooden stick
  • 2 ballons

This experiment iks more like a trick.

A kid can place a bet with his friends to win some glory or even some sweets;)

Who can pierce a balloon with a stick and to keep it without damage?
Of course, it seems impossible because all ballons are afraid of pointed items.

BUT there is one secret...πŸŽ†

So the first step - we try to pierce a ballon somewhere in a random place (to one of its side) - BOOM will happen at once.

NO balloon any more

BUT if we pierce it to its "ass" (as we call itπŸ˜…) - to the darkest place in its middle, where the latex is thicker - then there will be NO BOOM.

Moreover, you can demonstrate that a balloon feels fine even with a stick INSIDE

WOW - my son says, and we both like the result😊

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