Guys, have you already explained your kids where from does money come? and why not all toys they want we can buy at this very moment?

I've touched this question with my boy . He likes to play storymaking games, and he needs different locations and characters for it.
Ok. No problem. Take your constructor and build any location you need. But NO, it didn't for him. He thought if he already had built anything of this constructoy, he had no right to rebuild it because thus he would destroy what he had done before.

Well, there's some logics in it, means he needs new constructions every day?? I amn't ready for it;)

So I proposed him to earn money for his new wish.
And now there is an important question FOR WHAT a 7-year old biy can earn money at home?

For marks? He is unschooled. And I'm sure it's not a good motivation for studying.

For help to Mom? I am cookiing, and he is cooking with me? OK..Not bad. BUT it will mean his help costs money, and he can have a bad habbit to think like this. So he will help anybody just for money? Even in his own family? Bad idea!
Help is your wish to help a person who is important for you, and no money here is needed.

So, let's think....
We all get money if we:

  • do something instead of other people (services)
  • have knowledge which other people don't have, and it helps them to solve their problems


I explained it all to my boy, and proposed him a game
Get money for a new toy by yourself! Earning-game;)

I chose the 1st variant - he had definite skills and does something istead of me. I have free time, he spends time, uses his skills and earns money. It's his small job.

And he liked to get awards for his deeds.
Many home tasks I do every day, he did instead of me, and got 2$.

He chose Lego Constructor for about 15$, so he needed just a week to get it.

The term must be not long not to make a kid being tired of waiting.
He must see that his useful deeds are awarded at once, and he can get what he wants fast and easy.

So he got his money in a week!

How happy he was! He was eager to get it asap, and when he succeded he was so excited!

And now his attitude to his new toy is much better, and he really plays with it longer than with other new toys.
He knows the price of this toy;)

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