What pen do you use, guys? What pen do your kids use?

In local schools kids start writing process with a pencil, then they use ballpoints pen. Fountain pens aren't used at schools at all, and in general, they are not popular now.

Maybe the reason is in price - they cost more than ballpoints pen. But let's check their real comparison and advantages.

My boy is a left-hander, and I bought a special pen for him, for the left hand.

But it's a ballpoint pen, and I worried if I did right choosing it. I studied this topic, read many investigations, and I decided to change pens - I've bought a fountain pen for my son.

There're many reasons.

Correct grip

Ballpoint pens are more practical.
But they do not have one feature that is characteristic of a fountain pen - a pen receives ink when it is tilted correctly.

This feature helps both children and adults hold the pen correctly - at a certain angle so that the hand does not get tired while writing, and the lines are smooth and clear.

Writing is easy and enjoyable

My boy often says he is tired, and hi hand is tired, though only 5 min after his start of writing passed. I know it's Ok for hias age because hand muscles are too weak now, but that's the reason - a pen should help a kid, not make new problems for his hand!

The fountain pen slides over the paper. It is not necessary to make an effort to draw a line.

Prevention of carpal tunnel syndrome

If you constantly work at a computer and completely refuse to record manually, you can earn carpal tunnel syndrome = the wrist constantly “aches”.

To avoid the development of pathology, use a fountaon pen. While writing, the wrist is stretched due to smooth movements.

Fountain pens save money

If we compare the ink consumption in ballpoint pens and fountain pens, we'll see the second option is more economical. While you are using one bottle, your friend can buy 6-7 new ballpoint pens.

Fountain pens can write anywhere and anywhen

It can draw clear lines on paper of any size, wood and even cardboard.
And one more bonus: the ink in fountain pens does not freeze at low air temperatures!

And some historical facts:

left side - a fountain pen
right - a ballpoint modern pens and pupils

Сalligraphy and slackness of the arm, shoulder and hand were traded for speed of writing and bad posture.

In 1968, in the USSR, the fountain pressure writing was replaced by continuous writing with a ballpoint pen. There was no scientific justification for this reform. It was considered to be natural progress and improvement.


Сalligraphy of the past years
Who has such writing now?

Moreover, left-handers don't use continious writing. It means right-handers can write the whole word without pauses and breakaway from the paper. Left-handers - no, in most cases.
And it's one more reason to be attentive choosing a pen for them.

A hand of a kid should be relaxed, without any tension that can lead to many problems with health in future.

Now my boy writes with a fountain pen, and I really see his hand is more relaxed now.
My investigation was useful for me for sure, and I hiope for you too;)

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