Walking Counting and Learn with Play

It is pretty hard to make kids understand Mathematics. Especially when they are not going to school. Mathematics is a subject that requires continous practices and remembering rules. I happen to be pretty good in solving maths problems. And now maths again came back to life but in a differrnt. Makingbour kids understand thr logic. So today, I found my kid is missing out on counting part. She was good but little straying away focus on my part made her to forget. So I found a new way to make her learn. And this time with while walking with her.


She is quite naughty and sharp kid in my home. But finding she getting confused in Mathematics counting surprised me a bit. She starts counting pretty good but after 100 instead of starting the counting she used to say 200...300...400. Taking a not of it, I took her for an evening walk. And asked her to count her steps.


She was playful mood so did not find any excuses and happily started to count. And continously counted till 1383. Means we covered that much step while taking a stroll in the nearby jungle area. She now learned about counting and where she used to fumble while writing.

In addition to counting, I also made her to find the distances between two points. In absence of any notebook and copy, I made her to write on soil, which she found very interesting.


I made few resting points in middle of our walk. And at every point I used to recount the steps so that she memorise. Like from begining with 450 steps to 700 and then to 1027 and the till our home 1383. I made her to calculate the number of steps in between two points. At first she didn't understood but now she learnt it happily.


What I noticed is that, Kids understand the concept very easily when teach them with some games. They love to play and learn. With that short walk, I manage to refresh her counting problems and also taught her the basic subtraction and finding the distance between two points. She was very excited on learning new things and asked me for another walk tomorrow.

Good to keep counting number and improving the mathematics skill.


Namaste @steemflow

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