Learn Their Way

Hello friends,

Here today with a testament to letting kids show you what to do.


My Way or the Highway

One of the fun things as a parent is getting to see your kids grow and progress. One of the things my husband @cmplxty and I have really seen come out in our son is his idea of what he wants to do to learn. If the activity is learning letters, shapes, colors or anything else of that various things we are teaching him, one thing is for certain he learns his way. That he gets too much from me lol 🤦‍♀️

We absolutely love his creativity and although some say that watching television is bad, we have really seen a lot come out from him when we let him watch shows that are educational and good for him instead of just cartoons and wasteful shows. He has been really into watching shows where they build things and YouTube families that do lots of home projects and outdoors things. He’s got such a vivid imagination even though he’s stuck in the small condo that we have, he brings himself to worlds that he’s never been to. This example is no different! He is always watching construction shows and there’s lots of trucks, trailers and equipment all over the place. Here he is improvising with a trailer, our laundry basket, and some makeshift ramps. When the hubby and him go to the hardware store no joke his request is to buy him wood. We are more than happy to oblige that request lol. Pretty cheap and it ends up getting used on some nice DIY projects later in the future. You can also see that he’s got the trailer attached to his truck, the TV dinner table, by way of the exercise resistance bands that were supposed to be for the hubby and I to exercise with lol. Good sacrifice I guess! 🤣 I don’t know what the show is on TV but it looks like the norm, some kind of building situation going on.


He’s hauling some kind of stuff here. I think what he was watching was one of the more recent shows where this family documents their building of different fish enclosures for people who live in Florida and own lots of different aquatic things. Pretty cool in some of the episodes! Not going to lie I watched three of them with him lol.


When we use these methods that he enjoys and comes to him naturally he does a lot better with learning. We started doing letters with food and he’s learning them a lot better than just looking at them in a book. We have been doing different animals with him outside where his interests lie, different trees, rocks, colors and lots of other things but the point is I don’t think we will, nor want to at this point, be able to send him to a conventional school where they are forced to sit down in a classroom and just focus on memorization of things they talk about in a predetermined schedule. Children don’t learn that way very often and we have to be able to adapt to that and get to where they are instead of forcing them to conform to us. He may not learn certain things at the same time as other kids but I guarantee a lot of the other kids can’t name the construction vehicles he can, the tools he can and the animals he can but that’s the beauty of kids. Each has their own innate learning styles!

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