Our Homeschooling Journey: Intro to Crypto

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I asked my daughter what she wants to be when she grows up. First, she said she wanted to be a doctor, then a vet, then an astronaut, then a scientist. Later on, she said she wanted to be a seller so she can stay home after she sells all her fruits (She wants to be a fruit vendor who grows her own fruits). Her dream job changes from day to day until one day she decided she wants to be everything. That's quite a big dream for such a little human. Although I remember when I was young, I was told that I can be anything I wanted to be if I work hard for it.

I know at this point in her life, her dream job can be anything. One thing is for sure though, she can be anything she wants to be and I will be 110% supportive of her all the way. I'm not just talking about financial support. Right now, we are at the point where we introduce her to several interests. When she turned 2, we let her play with crayons and watercolors as part of her fine motor skills training. For her 5th birthday, we bought her a keyboard and slowly introduced her to playing the piano. As parents, we are given the power to influence our children towards that dream they could potentially want someday. The problem with that is we're not sure which of their dream is the one we're supposed to hone them into.

So as a solution, my husband and I are trying our best to expose her to as many hobbies as we can. So far, she's into reading, story writing, drawing, painting, playing the keyboard, and playing computer games. We also slowly eased her into finance. We started with her coin bank. That coin bank could have evolved into a kiddie bank account but then the pandemic happened. I would have wanted her to get that experience of holding her first passbook. Nevertheless, we still gave her some exposure to some kiddie financial lessons like saving up, budgeting for her toys and books, prioritizing needs vs wants (buying another set of coloring material or another book, that's her problem nowadays), etc.

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Since we're on the roll with introducing her to new horizons, I decided to have her sit with me and listen to the Hive Talk: Beyond Blogging held last Thursday. The time slot was actually her sleeping time already but when I told her she'll need to choose if she wants to sleep either a little bit earlier or a little bit later than usual, she first asked me why she needed to choose. When I told her I'm going to attend a webinar, she decided she wanted to sleep late. I wasn't sure if that was a good idea or not at that time, but I figured either choice can't be good for either of us.

During the talk, she was just so happy to see other people. I guess she's already fed up with seeing only me and her father all the time. I figured she loved seeing fresh new faces for a change. She was really well behaved the whole time, intently listening, paying attention to the talk, as if she really did understand everything being taught in the seminar. (By the way, she calls it a meeting).

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When she saw me writing notes, she asked me to help her get her kindergarten pad and notebook so she can also write down notes. I think her favorite part of the talk was @themanualbot's topic mainly because she could spell the words she heard: trade, short, long, spot, open, close. She would double-check with me from time to time, "Nanay, did he just say open?" I'm like yes, he did. I was actually scared she'd ask me what these words were. I made a mental note that I'd have one more session with Roger about this just so I could be ready with all her follow-up questions. Because this tiny human is not contented with just one answer, she asks a lot of follow-up questions.

She really wanted to finish the talk to the closing remarks but since she's used to an early sleeping time, she finally went to sleep in the middle of the NFT talk. I was a bit bummed about it because I had a lot of questions in my mind about NFT and I really wanted to learn more about it. I guess I'll just have to wait for part 2 of the Hive Talks video. I am thankful for @indayclara, @glecerioberto, @thegaillery, @themanualbot, @anneporter, and @ybanezkim26 for organizing online events like this. Not only are you guys helping Filipino Hiveans old and new alike to understand the platform and its capabilities more, you also just helped a mom introduce new things to her daughter.

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Screencap from @glecerioberto from the Hive Talks: Beyond Borders seminar

For a kid who dreams to be a lot of things, learning new stuff is important as it will help her have a lot of options in life. I know she's still a bit too young for things like this. I am not expecting her to absorb all of the information right now, but what I am doing right now is planting little seedlings in her brain so that her world will be vast and possibilities will be endless. I fully understand that the power of influencing our daughter as a parent is in our hands, I am going to make good use of that power. While most of the people I know were steered in a particular direction by their parents, I am showing my kid how big the ocean is, and how she can swim, get a raft, buy a yacht, or even fly to the moon if she wants to. All she got to do is to feed her mind.


@romeskie is a full-time stay-at-home mom to a homeschooling toddler. Loves crocheting as a hobby. Maintains a mini food forest, aiming to grow more to achieve that farm-to-table homesteading. Learned how to cook after leaving the corporate world to take care of her family and is now starting to acquire basic baking skills. Learn more about her adventures and misadventures in the world of motherhood.
Connect with her through her Facebook Page: The Leftie Crocheter and on Instagram. Feel free to subscribe to her Youtube Channel: The Leftie Crocheter

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