Sport - Important for problem solving and motor skills


Good evening @homeedders I hope you're having wonderful time homeschooling and keeping sane through lock down. I thought I'd drop by and talk about the importance of sport. Lil Miss 3 is at the age where she is wanting to engage and play sport. Which I was super excited about. I'm soooooo going to be one of those parents on the side screaming cheering my lil girl on!


I also previously wrote a post in the home edders contest around isolation with home schooling, I was quickly guided by the group in regards to what to do to over come this barrier and how to connect with other home schoolers. I had a quick search and was amazed at how many people actually home school. It's not a large aspect of the community but its significant.


But I wanted to talk abit about sport and its importance in development and importantly all physical activity. I'll delve into the realm of play equipment and parks in a future post. You might already know their importance but my mind was blown when I learned of why they are vital.


Apart from physical activity and tiring kids out to sleep sport is important because it also helps regulate dopamine levels and hormones. It also strengthens bones and increases muscle development.

Increased blood circulation and critical thinking. Many different sports have different rules which creates nural pathways in kids developing brains as they store and remember rules and then apply them in a practical setting.

Sports are also quite often fast paced, so a child's ability to think quick to score comes into play. Now, this doesn't all happen after one game and takes time. But over a period of months or years it increases a child's ability to apply other skills in practical settings and faster.

The social interaction is also another benefit as well as your critical skills increasing when you're playing with opponents as you need to factor in their skills and what moves they will make against you and out perform them.

Sports is really a game of who can think, problem solve and act faster than the other person to ensure victory.

I was a bit upset when I was told lil miss 3 was too young to start playing and I needed to come back when she was older. Oh well, it gives dad more time to be the opponent. Unfortunately, I'm not good at winning. Also, even though I train myself and am relatively fit, soccer absolutely destroyed me and lil miss 3 had far more stamina than me.

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