No isolation in homeschooling


It doesn't look like Corona Virus is ending any time soon and lock downs will most likely continue next year sporadically. As our nation comes out with a plan to get back to normal it is heavily reliant on vaccination numbers and even then there is no guarantee that there won't be lock downs.

So for the time being it's back to the home class room which we have transformed a spare room into our own mini class room to undertake learning and educational activities.


Although the kitchen table still tends to be the location of choice for arts and crafts, I've come use to putting a fork down and not being able to collect it as there is PVC glue which has now settled in my cutlery. Ah the challenges of home schooling and trying to organise your life.

Things are a little all over the place and to be honest the current rental we are in isn't one designed to be in all the time. It's still quite small and doesn't have purpose built rooms that can aid in the development and delivery of home schooling. Let's be honest, not many people would have anticipated this becoming a norm.


But for many reading my blog you would recall much of my early concerns around social isolation of home schooling and the lack of engagement and building relationships with other kids around the same age.

Since then I've come to ease with this concern as I've sought out community sports and lil miss now has a best friend.
Both on and off the field which is beautiful to watch. They've become pretty close to the point lil miss loves waking up early on weekends to get to what I've now labelled her Physical Education class (soccer training)

She's also currently looking at dance school as her best friend will be attending dance classes and lil miss would like to attend.

As the universe aligns, the night we went to the circus her best friend also attended and to be honest which I didn't report on in my blog, lil miss 3 bailed on me and left me alone while she went and chilled with her best mate.

I was a little hurt but that is all apart of growing up, eventually she won't even know I exist 🤣


I hadn't put much of a plan in up until now where I have started to plan for the future. As currently little miss 3 is at Kinder age and I don't think many are too concerned at this age. Plus she's quite advanced as I've dropped her off at day care and have received significant feed back on how she's a smart kid and we must be teaching her good. I felt I perhaps may have gone over board with things but she is quite happy to be taught and will often ask questions and ask to hold another lesson which this Hive community has been a great help. I often pluck what you have all been upto and run the sessions with her.

But next year the fun begins and I have to get accredited courses which I'm not too fussed about as I did once undertake a training and assessment course. Which, I never really used and wasted cash on, hopefully something sunk and I'll remember it as I pick it up again.

So here we are, only 6 months into this year and preparing for prep.

What are some tips and what are some good resources, I want to focus on reading, writing and counting this year. Numbers is relatively easy as they are visual, but I've been boggled on the reading and writing stuff. Any tips would be a great help!

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