Is this how they build the world, dad?

We're in the process of moving into our brand new home which has been a mission within itself and has taken 6 - 7 years and heavy financial losses to get to this point.

If you've been following along you might remember the challenges we had relating to having to sell our developed unit which was built at the back of someone's house due to the Royal Commission into banking that changed how financing from banks was done. We initially had a pre approval and put a deposit on land and build.

It was revoked and we lost the initial build deposit and had to run around looking for a bank to loan us the money or we would lose both the unit AND the land.

Then COVID hit and we had more financial issues and had to remove quite a lot from the initial build in order to cover financing issues but this problem hasn't been unique to us it has impacted a lot of people across the globe.

These are very hard times indeed and I'm sure those of us fortunate enough to get through it will remember it dearly. There are many more that haven't been able to preserver through and subsequently have lost out.

We've had contractors over the past few days and the area around us is still a new development with wet lands, parks, gardens and playgrounds still being built. The reason for the flatness is a lot of this area was prime farming and levelled many years ago to grow food and Breed cattle.

Since Melbourne's growth all this area has become highly valuable land and rezoned for housing. Although the quarter acre blocks are no longer a thing land is around 400sqm to 500sqm with a few larger blocks on offer.

With all the developments happening around us it spiked a question from little miss that also came with a learning opportunity and an insight into how young minds think and piece the world together.

Little Miss asked me if this is how the world is built and if we can just keep extending the world as if it was a never ending eternity. Definitely a different perspective from flat earth ideology and perhaps this is the emergence of a new ideology one in which the next generation who is experiencing expanding cities perceives the world that we are the ones that just add to it.

So it came as a good time to sit with both the kids and explain transitional development and how the land has been here long before us and will continue long after us also.

How land use has different uses and over time change impacts all things and how one this was pristine country side hunting and gathering it then transitioned to be useful in growing crops and farming animals.

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Now the land is continuing to provide for us by being a small parcel for us to build our home on and build our family memories but throughout all the changed we still need to ensure we take care of the land so that it's future use can be unimpaired by our time here.

Little miss also spent some time drawing the stages of the concrete development and enjoyed learning about how things work.

How do you teach your kids about the world around us? Have you had similar questions?

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