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Education Debate Challenge #4

It's been a while since we did a challenge and as we have an abundance of liquid Hive to gift the community, it seems an opportune time to do one.


This time I thought we could have a selection of topics to choose from, so that hopefully everyone can find something that sparks their interest. So the topics to choose from are:

  • Do you believe the way in which your child is being educated is preparing them for the future?
  • What traditional frameworks in education are holding it back?
  • Is the way in which you homeschool the same as you thought it would be when you first started?
  • What is your favourite teaching/learning moment?
  • How do we learn?

Everyone is invited to take part in this challenge, you don't have to be a homeschooler and hopefully there is a topic for everyone here. Just leave the link to your entry in the comments, so we can find it easily. The entry window will be a week from this post going up.

We've got 200 Hive in the pot up for grabs, with 50-100 Hive for the top pick, depending on the amount of entries we get. We look forward to reading your entries and hope to see lots of people joining in the conversion on the posts, because we know not everyone wants to write a full post, but still enjoy joining in.

- @minismallholding

10% beneficiary of this post each goes to @mattclarke and @canadian-coconut for their delegation support.
HomeEdders image created by @minismallholding, logo created by @ryivhnn's sister.


Supporting home education and educational content. If you’re a home educator, home educated or are thinking about home education, find out what we’re about HERE.

You can join the community by clicking the subscribe button on Hive or Peakd.

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